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Dátum: 2009-01-09 02:30:13
Feladó: Kiss Szabolcs
Tárgy: Uj radios meteoreszlelo program
Kedves Meteorészlelők!

A Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin 2008 decemberi - legfrissebb -
számában megjelent egy híradás egy új rádiós adatelemző és egy új
meteorészlelő programról.
Az eredeti közleményt a levelem végén olvashatjátok.

A RAMEDA nevű rádiós meteorok adatait elemző programot Sergei Dubrovski
A program innen tölthető le:
A programhoz angol és orosz nyelvű help fájl tartozik. Az angol nyelvű:

A RadioRecorder nevű adatrögzítő programot Sergei Marchenko fejlesztete.
A program innen tölthető le:
A program a PC hangkártyáján keresztül detektálja a rádióban hallható
Az angol nyelvű kezelőfelület még nem készült el, ezért a program
kipróbálása jó alkalom
orosz nyelvtudásunk felelfrissítésére.

Mindkét program ingyenesen használható.

Üdv: Szabolcs


1) I am glad to introduce you our new soft -- RAMEDA. RAMEDA -- RAdio MEteor
Data Analyzer (analyser of radiometeor data) -- this is the program for
data processing of radiometeor observations, written by the Gomel astronomy
amateur Sergei Dubrovski (astroclub "Cirrus"). The idea of creation and
organization of this program belongs to Belarusian
radiometeor network BeNRaMO (Belarusian Network of RadioMeteor
Observations). I created the algorithms for this program and Serhei wrote
the program.

* Read RM-observation data in text and EXCEL formats.
* You can edit data cells.
* Calculate sporadic background, shower activity curve, shower profile on
   the basis of Steyaert´s method ("A numerical method to aid in the
   determination of stream activity and Observability Function" (Christian
   Steyaert, Jeffrey Brower, and Felix Verbelen, WGN, the Journal of the
   IMO 34:3 (2006))) in hand-mode and automatically (automatically calculate
   a,b and tm parameters).
* Plot calculated curves.
* You can save plots and output data in BMP and EXCEL formats.
* You can analyse long-time period data due in choosing the begin and
end date
   of observations -- so, you can "cut" big table on regions, for which
   Steyaert´s method will be applied.
*And some more...

Known bugs:
* Sometimes in automatic mode RAMEDA determine the date of shower maximum
   incorrectly (on 1-5 hours) -- so, sometimes it is necessary a
correction of
   this parameter manually.

Expected updating:
* Calculate meteor magnitude distribution index of shower on the basis of
   duration tables.

BETA version of RAMEDA (v.1.1) you can download here:

_plus_help-files.zip    (1,7 MB)

RAMEDA is absolutely free of charge, you can download it and place on your
web-sites (with reference on Serhei Dubrivski, www.belastro.net and BeNRaMO
network) No direct link, but link on owner - www.belastro.net- please.
This is BETA version, program was created 1,5 month ago, and during this
we tested it.
It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to read HELP-file before using RAMEDA!
Inside ZIP-archive you will find two CHM-files: help_en.chm -- help in
help_ru.chm -- help in Russian. RAMEDA is bilingual -- you can select
Russian/English language (see HELP).
Some month ago I have a correspondence with David Entwistle -- about
Steyaert´s method. So, this program is a result of diligence of Serhei
Dubrovski, Vitaly Mechinsky (me) with David´s help (in theory of method).

2) Program RadioRecorder by Serhei Marchenko (Russia)

First version of this soft was written more than 2 years ago.
RadioRecorder (RR) -- program for detecting and write TV and FM bursts from
meteors on the basis of PC sound-card.

* Detect bursts
* Trigger levels allow to determine a sensitivity level.
* Loop-buffer allows to write echoes from meteors in 8-bit WAV files -- one
   file for any burst.
* Built-in spectroanalyser and oscilloscope -- in real-time mode, or in
   past-fact mode.
* Determining of bursts durations.
* Write log-files with time and hour rates of busters.
* You can listen to any written echo WAV-file post-factum -- program use
   database, so you can download data for given shower after it activity and
   analyse it.
* Something else...

Known bugs:
* The method of echo duration determining is quite "strange". I didn´t
   compare it data with SpectrumLab, for example, but I (and Marchenko too)
   think it is not very correct.
* At present program have only russian interface. :) I will translate it
   into English + translate small HELP.

You can download the latest version of RadioRecorder from here:


(480 kB).

This program is also free of charge. You can also place it on your web-sites
(with reference on Serhey Marchenko, www.belastro.net).

Any question, wishes, etc, please send them to me directly
(Lupus@belastro.net) or on [radiometeoren].

   Vitaly Mechinsky


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