A csillag 11,8-as, de a Hold nem fog zavarni. Magyarország
délnyugati részén halad át!
Szabó Sándor
> I have computed update for following event:
> - (201) Penelope on May 9/10, 2004
> Updated path runs over N Ireland ~20:51.0 UT, N England ~20:51.3
> Belgium ~20:51.5 UT, Germany ~20:51.7 UT, Austria ~20:51.9 UT,
> SW Hungary ~20:52.0 UT, NE Serbia ~20:52.1 UT, SW Romania ~20:52.3
> Bulgaria ~20:52.4 UT and Turkey ~20:52.5 UT at low altitudes..
> Please check the path chart for details.
> Full details including charts and WinOccult elements are at the
> updates WEB page :
> Best regards, Jan