Egy "telibe Magyarországot" fedés április 8-án, ámde a csillag
12 magnitúdós, és 15 fokra lesz a 91%-os Hold...
Szabó Sándor
Subject: [PLANOCCULT] Update for (903) Nealley on April 7/8, 2004
> I have computed update for following event :
> - (903) Nealley on April 7/8, 2004
> Updated path runs over Middle East ~0:14.5 UT, Cyprus ~0:15.1 UT,
> W Turkey ~0:15.9 UT, Bulgaria ~0:16.6 UT, W Romania ~0:17.0 UT,
> Hungary ~0:17.4 UT, W Slovakia ~0:17.6 UT, NE Czechia ~0:17.8 UT,
> N Germany ~0:18.2 UT, S Denmark ~0:18.5 UT and NE Iceland ~0:19.7
> Please check the path chart for details.
> Almost full Moon is only 15 degrees south of target star area.
> Full details including charts and WinOccult elements are at the
> updates WEB page :
> Best regards, Jan