Ez a csillag csak 11 magnis és a fényességcsökkenés is nagyon
kicsi (a 0,7"-es kettoscsillag miatt). Vizuálisan alég nehéz lesz
észlelni, pedig az szaki országrészben látszani fog az
okkultáció. Térkép a lenti linken.
Szabó Sándor
> I have computed update for following event :
> - (70) Panopaea on March 20/21, 2004
> Target star is a double star TDS 7099 according to WDS2001 which gives
> following info: magnitudes 11.47+11.61, separation 0.7" at PA 205deg
> for 1991). On this basis and UCAC2 position used as position of
> I have computed absolute positions of components:
> component A (brighter) : 10h 11m 57.1338s; +27o 40´ 12.366"
> component B (fainter) : 10h 11m 57.1115s; +27o 40´ 11.732"
> which were used for subsequent calculations. As the component
separation is
> given only to 0.1" and epoch is 13 years old, the true accuracy of
> component positions may be significantly lower than accuracy given for
> star in UCAC2; which I have however used in calculations to have at
> some star position uncertainty accounted for.
> Brightness drop will be at most around 0.7 magnitudes only as the pair
> remain unresolved in most telescopes so the event will be on limit for
> visual observers. Video or CCD is strongly recommended.
> Original Tycho-1 gives flag indicating the star wasn´t investigated
> duplicity. I suppose TDS means "Tycho Double Star" and there probably
> a newer paper where the data came from.
> Updated path for component A runs over south Japan ~18:20.7 UT,
followed by
> China, middle Asia, S Russia ~18:30.5 UT, NW Turkey ~18:32.1 UT,
> Greece ~18:33.3 UT, S Italy and Sicilia ~18:34.0 UT, N Tunis ~18:34.9
UT and
> N Algeria ~18:35.2 UT in twilight.
> Updated path for component B runs over mid-north Japan ~18:21.7 UT,
> followed by
> NE China, NE Mongolia, Siberia, Russia around 18:31 UT, SE Belarus
~18:32.4 UT,
> NW Ukraine ~18:32.5 UT, SE Poland ~18:33.3 UT, Slovakia ~18:33.6 UT,
> NW Hungary ~18:33.9 UT, Austria ~18:34.1 UT, SE Switzerland ~18:34.7
> N Italy ~18:34.7 UT, SE France in twilight ~18:35.3 UT and NE Spain in
> even stronger twilight ~18:35.9 UT.
> Please check the path chart for details; uncertainty may be
> larger than indicated in charts.
> Attached is only component B path chart, full details including charts
> WinOccult elements are at the European updates WEB page :
> Best regards, Jan