Ez a hajnali esemény a Dél-Dunántólon lehet hogy látszik.
Szabó Sándor
> I have computed update for following event :
> - (566) Stereoskopia on March 22/23, 2004
> Updated path runs over Turkey ~2:43.6 UT, Greece ~2:44.6 UT,
> Albania ~2:44.9 UT, W Croatia ~2:45.5 UT, N Italy ~2:48.0 UT,
> Switzerland ~2:46.3 UT, N France ~2:46.8 UT, England ~2:47.5 UT
> and Ireland ~2:48.0 UT.
> Please check the path chart for details.
> Full details including charts and WinOccult elements are at the
> updates WEB page :
> Best regards, Jan