És egy esonap, január 29/30-án!
Szabó S.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jan Manek"
Cc: ; "Bill Owen"
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 1:49 AM
Subject: [PLANOCCULT] Update for (308) Polyxo on January 29/30, 2004
> I have computed update for following event :
> - (308) Polyxo on January 29/30, 2004
> Updated path runs over Iran ~23:01 UT, E Turkey ~23:02.5 UT,
> Romania ~23:05.2 UT, S Moldavia ~23:04.9 UT, NE Hungary ~23:06.0
> SW Ukraine ~23:06.0 UT, Slovakia ~23:06.5 UT, SW Poland ~23:07.0
> NE Czechia ~23:07.0 UT, N Germany ~23:08.0 UT and Scotland ~23:10.7
> Please check the path chart for details.
> I´m reformatting the list of observers, will give as soon as possible.
> Full details including charts and WinOccult elements are at the
> updates WEB page : http://mpocc.astro.cz/updates/0129pol.html
> Best regards, Jan