Bár a csillag elég halvány, de péntek/szombat éjjel 1 után a
fedés sávja telibe találja Magyarországot. Link alul.
Szabó Sándor
> I have computed update for following event :
> - (925) Alphonsina on November 21/22, 2003
> Updated path runs due to south shift over S Russia around 0:52 UT,
> S Ukraine ~0:53.5 UT with Odessa on south limit, Moldavia ~0:54.3
> N Romania ~0:54.9 UT, Hungary ~0:55.6 UT with Budapest in path,
> S Austria ~0:56.5 UT, Switzerland ~0:57.2 UT with Bern on north
> and finally middle France around 0:58.0 UT with Limoges in path.
> Please check the path chart for details.
> On December 22/23, 2003 will be excellent occultation of 6.2 mag star
> 23799 running over areas with a lot of observers. This November
> is a good chance to test if Alphonsina follows our predictions and to
> possible corrections. There is one more ´test´ occultation on November
> 2003 but not as favorable as this one.
> Full details including charts and WinOccult elements are at the
> updates WEB page :
> Best regards, Jan