Az északi megyékben élok ezt a fedést is biztosan láthatják, de máshol is
érdemes próbálkozni!
> - (714) Ulula on January 22/23, 2003
> Volgograd in path, Ukraine ~17:40-17:41, NE Hungary ~17:41.8 UT,
> Slovakia ~17:42.0 UT, N Austria ~17:42.3 UT, S Germany ~17:42.7 UT and
> France ~17:43.2 UT.
> Please check the path chart for details.
> Steve Preston found that Tycho-2 position is in error by 1.7" and derived
> new proper motion combining UCAC and AC2000.2 positions. This 1.7"
> difference had the main influence on large - 3.7 minute - time correction.
> Also V magnitude given in Tycho-2 seems to be too bright so I have adopted
> 12.2 as the probable visual magnitude of the target. This leads to only
> magnitude drop placing the event close to hard to observe for visual
> Clear sky and good luck !!!
> Full details including charts and WinOccult elements are at the European
> updates WEB page :
> Best regards, Jan