A már említett 29-i (KEDD HAJNALI) kisbolygófedés. Derült eget!
Szabó Sándor
> October 29th
> The Minor Planet 233 Asterope occult the star TYC 1319-00673-1
> Time of the event 4h35.0 UT
> Updated limit: from North to South over Finland; Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania;
> Poland; E tip of Czechia; W Slovakia; Hungary; Yugoslavia and Libya.
> Please observe from 4h25 to 4h45 UT
> ATTENTION this is a morning observation
> Look to:
> Look for a better resolution chart to:
> Please inform you about the last minut predictions of Jan Manek
> Don ´t forget to look.
> Clear skies and good luck.
> Pierre