Ismét egy tuti Magyarországon átmeno kisbolygófedés, bár eros szürkületben lesz látható és az ország közepén
halad keresztük. A következo napokban még sok részletet fogunk közölni.
Szabó S.
> - (233) Asterope on October 28/29, 2002
> Updated path runs from north to south over Finland with Helsinki around
> 4:29 UT, Estonia ~4:30 UT, Latvia ~4:31 UT, Lithuania ~4:31.5 UT, Poland
> around 4:33 UT with Warszaw and Krakow on east limit and Lodz in path,
> E tip of Czechia and west Slovakia ~4:34 UT, Hungary ~4:35 UT with Budapest
> on east limit, frm. Yugoslavia around 4:36 UT, S Italy ~4:38 UT and Libya
> ~4:42 UT. Observers within declared uncertainty area should try to
> observe to
> catch the main body event. Keep in mind that Asterope has a satellite so
> observers in wider range can try their chances; the secondary event can
> last
> ~1.5 seconds. Observations will be complicated by morning twilight.
> Please check the path chart for details.
> Clear sky and good luck !!!
> Full details including charts and WinOccult elements are at the European
> updates WEB page :
> Best regards, Jan