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Dátum: 2002-08-22 17:20:06
Feladó: Szabo Sandor
Tárgy: Fw: [PLANOCCULT] Predictions of Occultations of Stars by Minor Planets
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Pierre Vingerhoets"
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 10:28 AM
Subject: [PLANOCCULT] Predictions of Occultations of Stars by Minor Planets

> Dear observers
> August 24th
> The Minor Planet  366 Vincentina occult the star TYC 2409-00396-1
> Time of the event 0h47.6m UT
> Predicted limit: Italy; frm Yugoslavia; Poland; theBaltic States and
> Russia
>  Please observe from 0h44 to 0h51 UT
> ATTENTION this is a morning observation
> Look to: http://sorry.vse.cz/~ludek/mp/2002/0824vin.gif
> Look for a better resolution chart to:
> http://sorry.vse.cz/~ludek/mp/2002/0824vin.ps
> Please inform you about the last minut predictions of Jan Manek
> http://sorry.vse.cz/~ludek/mp/updates/
> Don ´t forget to look.
> Clear skies.
>  Pierre
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> In case of problems : contact Pierre.Vingerhoets@online.be or Jan Van Gestel (jan.vg@eMailMasters.com)
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