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Dátum: 2000-11-16 16:59:15
Feladó: Berkó Ernő
Tárgy: (516) Amherstia
Sziasztok !

Akar valaki foglalkozni a targybeli kisbolygofedessel?
Nagyjabol hazank eszaki reszen varhato a fedes.
En probalkozni szeretnek csikhuzos felvetellel.

Ha valaki tud pontosabb adatokkal szolgalni szamomra,
azt nagyon szivesen vennem.
Kozelito kordinataim: E19,52528; N48,125; Alt160.

Udv.: Erno.
Reszlet az elorejelzesbol:
                     IOTA/IOTA-ES occultation update for
        (516) Amherstia / TYC 2309-00935-1 on November 19/20, 2000
     visible from Caucasus, S Ukraine, Moldova, N Romania, N Hungary,
          SW Slovakia, N Austria, S Germany and mid-north France


In the night of November 19/20, 2000 a 10.0 mag star TYC 2309-00935-1
SAO 55310 will be occulted by a 76 km asteroid (516) Amherstia. This
update is based on USNO/Flagstaff and TMO astrometry for the asteroid and
Tycho-2 star position.

The updated path shows ~6 path width north shift and time ~0.4 minutes
earlier compared to Edwin Goffin´s nominal prediction.

The path of this occultation runs over Caucasus ~0:29 UT, S Ukraine with
Crym and Odessa ~0:29.5 UT, Moldova ~0:29.4 UT, N Romania ~0:30 UT, N
Hungary ~0:30.3 UT, SW Slovakia ~0:30.4 UT, N Austria with Vienna ~0:30.6
UT, S Germany with Munich and Freiburg ~0:30.9 UT and mid-north France
south of Paris ~0:31.5 UT.

Good luck !

The event at one glimpse:
  * date and approx. UT time of event: November 20, 2000 @ 00:30.5 UT (Euro)
  * magnitude of target star: 10.0
  * magnitude drop [mag]: 3.4
  * estimated maximum duration [s]: 5.0
  * path description: given above
  * Goffin´s original chart reference: A00_1115

The occultation path:
  * approximate ground width [km]: 80
  * uncertainty [path widths]: 2.3
  * uncertainty in time [s]: 15
  * map: attached or it can be found at following WEB pages:
  * remarks: Path uncertainties are given according to nominal star
     position errors and expected asteroid positional accuracy.
     Circles along path indicates the centerline for this event.
     They are more accurate than the path limit lines.

Data for the target star:
  * name: SAO 55310 = PPM 67017 = TYC 2309-00935-1
  * constellation: Triangulum
  * J2000 position [h,m,s; o,´,"]: 02h 09m 42.226s; +31o 36´ 35.31"
  * position source: Tycho-2
  * estimated accuracy ["]: 0.04" (0.02", 0.03")
  * V mag [mag]: 9.95
  * B-V [mag]: +0.48
  * remarks:
      Target star is in middle Triangulum, 3.4 degrees exactly south of 3.0
      mag star beta Trianguli = SAO 55306. Just 23´ east of target is 6.2
      star 5 Trianguli = SAO 55338 and 2.5´ east of target is 10.9 mag star
      TYC 2309-00944-1.

Close finding chart:
     attached or it can be found at following WEB pages:
  * occulted star is in center - labeled with cross
  * field is 3.0x3.0 degrees
  * limiting magnitude is 12.5
  * labeled stars have indicated SAO numbers

Data for the minor planet:
  * general information:
      number, name: (516) Amherstia
      approx. diameter [km]: 76
  * orbital information
      orbit source: calculation Manek
      source of used astrometry: USNO/Flagstaff (Ron Stone), TMO (Bill Owen)
      number of used observations: 47 USNO, 6 TMO
      number of rejected observations: 10 USNO
      time covered by the observations: 1998 02 05 - 2000 11 09
      rms residuals ["] (RA,DE): 0.08", 0.05"
      estimated positional accuracy at epoch of event ["]: 0.07"

Data for the event:
  * UT date and time of least geocentric approach: 00:35.0 UT
  * approx. V mag of minor planet at event [mag]: 13.4
  * geocentric parallax of minor planet ["]: 3.529
  * magnitude drop [mag]: 3.4
  * estimated maximum duration [s]: 5.0
  * apparent motion of minor planet ["/h]: 30.28
  * angular distance to moon, phase of moon [deg,%]: 120, 36%


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