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Dátum: 2008-10-21 12:57:07
Feladó: Szabó Sándor
Tárgy: kisbolygó-fedés szombaton
Szombaton este késoi éjfél körül (vigyázat, óraátállítás lesz) egy kényelmes
kisbolygó-fedés lesz. Fényes csillag, széles fedési sáv. Derült eget hozzá!
Szabó Sándor

> Oct 25th
> Prediction of Mister Schwaenen with data of Astorb
> The Minor Planet 69 Hesperia occults the star TYC 0012-00456-1u
> Time of the event: 22h32m UT
> Please observe from: 22h24m to 22h40m UT
> Predicted limit: Russia; Belarus; Ukraine; Poland; Czech Republic;
> Slovakia; Austria;
> Hungary; The Balkan States; Italy; The Balearic Islands; Spain and Morocco
> Look at: http://astrosurf.com/eaon/Cartes/October%202008/69_Hesperia.htm
> Please look for possible updates on the preliminary predictions to the
> website of EAON at: http://astrosurf.com/eaon/Occultations%20October.htm
> If you use the program “Occult Watcher 2.5” from Mister Pavlov the updates
> will
> be automatically downloaded from the program and you will be notified on
> all the updates!
> To install the software visit:
> http://www.hristopavlov.net/OccultWatcher/publish.htm
> Don´t forget to observe
> Clear skies and good luck
> Pierre
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> In case of problems : contact Pierre.Vingerhoets@telenet.be or Jan Van
> Gestel (jan@vangestel.be)


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