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 OKKULT archívum 
Dátum: 2008-01-31 22:02:46
Feladó: Szabó Sándor
Tárgy: (329) Svea okkultacio 2008 februar 2-an, szombaton koraete
Szombaton este a 78 km-es Svea kisbolygó elfed egy 10 magnitúdó csillagot. A
fedés központi sávja a Nagykanizsa-Siófok-Vác vonalon halad keresztül, de
ettol 50-100 km-es távolságra is érdemes próbálkoznia megfigyeléssel.
Részletek a lenti linkeken:

Szabó Sándor

Dear observers,

you´ll find attached the station map for the occultation by (329) Svea at
Saturday, 2008 February 02  (~ 21:07 UT).

V-Magnitude of target star TYC 0084-01078-1: 10.0 mag
Johnson B-V Colour Index: + 0.5
The UCAC2 gives a "pseudo-R magnitude" of 9.9 mag.

The max duration is expected to be 9.6 sec with a max drop of 4.1 mag.
The event will take place at an altitude of 33 deg and at azimuth 227 deg.
The sun will be at an altitude of -52 deg. (At predicted centre line for
longitude E 20 deg).

There is a 1 sigma uncertainty interval of    0.46 path widths.
The probabilities to see a positive event:

Centre line: ~ 72 %
Path limits: ~ 48 %
1 sigma lines:  ~ 16 %
2 sigma lines:  ~ 2 %

(Calculation according to Raymond Dusser, E.A.O.N. Circular #10)

PLEASE REMEMBER: Predictions are sometimes wrong. Please observe even with a
small probability.
Let other observers know about you observing plans: Announce you station
with OccultWatcher !

More information (coordinates, finder charts) at Steve Preston´s prediction:

Table of potential observing stations and cities with distance from center
of predicted path (Derek C. Breit):

Coordinates and maps at the webpage of  E.A.O.N:

Good luck with your observation,




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