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Dátum: 2007-01-12 14:13:27
Feladó: Szabó Sándor
Tárgy: vasarnap este
Vasárnap napnyugta után egy 5,9 magnitúdós csillagot fed el a 830 ZENOBIA
kisbolygó. A fedés akár 5 cm-es binokulárral is megfigyelheto, bár még
szürkület lesz. Az alábbi linkeken található információ.

Szabó Sándor

Dear observers,

you´ll find attached the station map for the occultation by (840)
Zenobia at Sunday, 2007 January 14 (~ 16:23 UT).

V-Magnitude of target star HIP 29196: 5.9 mag
Spectral Class: K4III
Johnson B-V Colour Index: + 1.6

The max duration is expected to be 2.2 sec with a max drop of 8.5 mag.
The event will take place at an altitude of 24 deg and at azimuth 83
deg. The sun will be at an altitude - 08 deg. (At predicted centre line
for longitude E 15 deg).

More information (coordinates, finder charts) at Steve Preston´s

Coordinates and maps at the webpage of  E.A.O.N:
> On next Sunday Jan. 14 near 16:20-25 UT the 30 km asteroid 830 ZENOBIA
> will occult a bright V= 5.9 red giant in Gemini : HR 2169.
> The path will cross Russia in nightime, central Europe in evening
> twilight,
> then will end over Spain in daylight.
> (Details at http://www.asteroidoccultations.com/2007_01/0114_840_9522.htm)
> In reason of the star brightness and strong colour contrast (enhanced by
> using some red filter), also thanks to its azimut opposite to the Sun,
> this occultation probably could be observed easily even in very luminous
> twilight. From exceptional mountain sites, it probably could be detected
> even in daylight, before the sunset.
> The visible magnitudes of the star are V= 5.9, R= 5.0, I= 4.3.
> The infrared magnitudes are J= 3.1, H= 2.3, K= 0.3.
> I extracted from above Steve´s update the "occelmnt" parameters, then
> drew with WinOccult a special zoomed version centered on west Europe
> (see the attached map).
> It appears then some major European cities will lie within or very near
> the predicted path. The number below in parentheses is the Sun elevation
> in degrees at the event time :
>  in Poland : Krakow (-12); in Slovakia : Bratislava (-10);
>  in Austria : Wien (-9); in Italia : Piacenza (-4) and Genova (-3);
>  in France : Nice (-2) and Toulon (0 = sunset);
>  in Spain : Barcelona (+3), Cordoba (+9) and Sevilla (+10).
> Note that at the same instant the bright comet C/2006 P1 Mc.NAUGHT will
> be at 0.7 deg. only from the planet Mercury, only ~3 degrees higher in
> the sky than the solar disk.
> By example from Nice, just after the sunset, the comet will be 1.4 deg.
> above the horizon (and Sun at -1.8 degree) at the occultation instant.


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