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Dátum: 2006-11-11 08:47:04
Feladó: Szabó Sándor
Tárgy: (154) Bertha, 2006 November 12, Sunday - Station Map EAST
A vasárnap esti okkultációra hívom fel ismét a figyelmet, részletesebb
térkép található a linken.
Szabó Sándor

> Dear observers,
> you´ll find attached the station map EAST for the occultation by (154)
> Bertha at Sunday, 2006 November 12 (~ 21:00 UT).
> V-Magnitude of target star TYC 2361-00836-1: 10.6 mag
> The UCAC2 gives a "pseudo R-magnitude" of  9.9 mag
> The max duration is expected to be 11.8 sec with a max drop of 2.1 mag.
> The event will take place at an altitude of 58 deg and at azimuth 99
> deg. The sun will be at an altitude - 55 deg. (At predicted centre line
> for longitude E 15 deg).
> There is a 1 sigma uncertainty interval of  ą 0.22 path widths.
> The probabilities to see a positive event:
> Centre line: ~ 93 %
> Path limits: ~ 50 %
> 1 sigma lines:  ~ 16 %
> 2 sigma lines:  ~ 2 %
> (Calculation according to Raymond Dusser, E.A.O.N. Circular #10)
> PLEASE REMEMBER: Predictions are sometimes wrong. Please observe even
> with a small probability.
> More information (coordinates, finder charts) at Steve Preston´s
> prediction:
> http://asteroidoccultation.com/2006_11/1112_154_5676.htm
> Coordinates and maps at the webpage of  E.A.O.N:
> http://astrosurf.com/eaon/Occultations%20Nov.htm
> Good luck with your observation,
> Oliver


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