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 OKKULT archívum 
Dátum: 2005-09-30 06:06:51
Feladó: Szabó Sándor
Tárgy: Vienna_fedés
A (397) Vienna kisbolygó fed e egy csillagt, a fedés sávja Dunántúlról
látszik és keresztül megy a névadó Bécsen is!!!!
A link alul.

> of the updates posted recently on http://mpocc.astro.cz/updates/ I would
> like to call attention to (397) Vienna event on October 5/6, 2005
> http://mpocc.astro.cz/updates/1005vie.html which runs just by Austrian
> capital Vienna.
> Next event which will be updated will be (712) Boliviana on October 11th
> which I will update after my return from Spain - I´m leaving tomorrow
> afternoon for annular eclipse.
> Best regards, jan
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