Látszólag az Uránusz és a Neptunusz között a Capricornusban fedi a 11,7
magnis csillagot a kisbolygó. Magyarország középso részén.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pierre Vingerhoets"
To: "Planoccult"
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 4:56 PM
Subject: [PLANOCCULT] Predictions of Occultations of Stars by Minor Planets
> Remember!
> Jul 20th
> Prediction of mister Schwaenen
> The Minor Planet 877 Walkure occults the star UCAC2 26359048
> Time of the event: 00h31.5m UT
> ATTENTION this is a morning observation
> Please observe from: 00h21 to 00h42 UT
> Predicted limit: NW Russia; Belarus; Poland; W Ukraine; Hungary; the
> Balkan
> States
> Italy; N Tunisia and Algeria
> Look at:
> http://astrosurf.com/eaon/Cartes/07%20Juillet%2005/20%20walkure.gif
> Please inform you about the last minut predictions of Jan Manek
> http://mpocc.astro.cz/updates/
> Don ´t forget to look.
> Clear skies and good luck.
> Pierre
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
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> In case of problems : contact Pierre.Vingerhoets@telenet.be or Jan Van
> Gestel (jan@vangestel.be)