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Dátum: 2005-07-12 07:27:33
Feladó: Szabó Sándor
Tárgy: annular solar eclipse October 3rd
A Agrupació Astronňmica de Sabadell spanyol csillagászati egyesület lázasan
készül az október 3-i gyurus napfogyatkozás megfigyelésére. A lenti
honlapokon térképeket találtok a centrális vonalról, de ami érdekesebb, az a
alatti link. Itt az antiumbra szélén a súroló fedéshez hasonló jelenségek
látszanak: a holdprofil felszabdalja a napperemet, láthatóvá válik (csak
fotografikusan) a kromoszféra, belso korona, stb. A linkrol kiindulva sok
érdekesség olvasható.
Van-e valaki, aki a peremen szeretne észlelni?
Szabó Sándor

----- Original Message -----
From: Carles i Montserrat
To: planoccult@AULA.COM
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 7:42 PM
Subject: [PLANOCCULT] annular solar eclipse October 3rd

Dear plannoccult friends,

During the last days I have completed the information about observing sites
on Spain (mainly eastern part) for the annular solar eclipse October 3rd.
The information is available in spanish, english and catalan in the website
of the Sabadell Astronomical Association: http://www.astrosabadell.org.

If you prefer, you can acceed directly to
http://www.astrosabadell.org/en/6_amateur/eclipsi_sol_zona_central.asp for
information about the central zone, or to
http://www.astrosabadell.org/en/6_amateur/eclipsi_sol_estudi.asp for
information about the marginal zones of annularity.

We are preparing two meeting points for people wishing to observe from the
annularity limits. One of them will be in Castelló de la Plana on September
30th, and the second in Crevillent (near Alicante/Alacant) on October 1st as
announced on pdf files linked on the site. But, anyway, confirmation of your
attendance is needed at anular2005@astrosabadell.org!

On this site you will find also climate data and documentation about lodging
and astronomical and tourist resources.

For commentaries or suggestions, please write me,

Carles Schnabel
Agrupació Astronňmica de Sabadell


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