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Dátum: 2005-03-07 07:55:00
Feladó: Szabó Sándor
Tárgy: DIDO fedes marc. 10-en hajnalban!!
Március 10-én (csütörtök) hajnalban a (209) Dido kisbolygó
(160 km átméroju, 0,105" látszó méretu) fedi a HIP 59732 jelu
7,7 magnitúdós csillagot a Virgoban. A fedés sávja biztosan
átmegy Magyarországon, a bizonytalanság miatt az egész
országban érdemes észlelni. A fedés 2:33-2:35 UT között lesz
látható. Vizuálisan, "csíkhúzós" kamerákkal, CCD-vel, stb.
érdemes próbálkozni. A felvételek kezdetét és végét
0,1-0,2 másodperces pontossággal kell feljegyezni. Részletek és
a csillag keresotérképe a lenti linkeken (ill. az Égabrosz 98.
oldalán az éta Virginistol másfél fokra délnyugatra az
ekliptika mentén).


Szabó Sándor

                      IOTA/IOTA-ES occultation update for
              (209) Dido / HIP 59732 event on 2005 Mar 10, 02:36 UT
                  Visible from Central Europe, Britain, Ireland

On 2005 Mar 10 UT, the 160 km diameter asteroid (209) Dido will occult a
7.7 mag
star in the constellation Virgo for observers along a path across
Europe, Britain, Ireland.

In the case of an occultation, the combined light of the asteroid and
the star
will drop by 5.1 mag to 12.7 mag (the magnitude of the asteroid) for at
13.2 seconds.

This update is based on UNSO/Flagstaff astrometry for the asteroid
provided by Ron Stone, historical astrometry from the MPC files (via
astrometry for the asteroid from La Silla, and the following catalogs
for the
star position: .

The event at a glimpse
    * Rank: 99
    * date and approx. time of event: 2005 Mar 10, 02:31  - 2005 Mar 10,
02:41  UT
    * magnitude of target star: 7.7
    * magnitude drop [mag]: 5.1
    * estimated maximum duration [s]: 13.2
    * Moon: 0 % sunlit, 161° distance
    * Sun: 166° distance
    * rough path description: Central Europe, Britain, Ireland

The occultation path
    * approximate projected width [km]: 276
    * 1 sigma uncertainty interval [path widths]: +/- 0.18
    * 1 sigma uncertainty interval [seconds]: +/- 3.5
    * 1 sigma uncertainty interval approx RA,DE ["]: (+/- .026 +/- .020)
    * 1 sigma uncertainty ellipse (major, minor, PA): ( .028", .018",
117° )
    * approx speed of asteroid´s shadow [km/s]: 12.0801
    * website for maps:

Path Coordinates:
Occultation of HIP 59732 by 209 Dido on 2005 Mar 10
                  Centre              Star  Star   Sun      Path Limits
         Error Limits
  E. Longitude   Latitude      U.T.    Alt    Az   Alt    Limit 1
Limit 2    Limit 3    Limit 4
      o  ´  "     o  ´  "    h  m  s     o     o     o    o  ´  "    o
´  "    o  ´  "    o  ´  "
Latitude   Latitude   Latitude

     14  0  0    46 56 58    2 34 27    32   225   -29   48 16 29   45
40  5   48 45 49   45 13  0
     15  0  0    46 44 35    2 34 22    32   226   -29   48  3 59   45
27 49   48 33 16   45  0 46
     16  0  0    46 32 22    2 34 16    31   227   -28   47 51 38   45
15 42   48 20 52   44 48 41
     17  0  0    46 20 19    2 34 10    31   228   -28   47 39 28   45
3 46   48  8 40   44 36 48
     18  0  0    46  8 27    2 34  4    31   229   -27   47 27 29   44
52  1   47 56 37   44 25  4

     19  0  0    45 56 46    2 33 58    30   230   -27   47 15 41   44
40 26   47 44 46   44 13 32
     20  0  0    45 45 16    2 33 53    30   231   -26   47  4  4   44
29  2   47 33  7   44  2 10
     21  0  0    45 33 58    2 33 47    29   232   -26   46 52 38   44
17 50   47 21 39   43 51  0
     22  0  0    45 22 52    2 33 42    29   233   -25   46 41 25   44
6 50   47 10 23   43 40  2
     23  0  0    45 11 57    2 33 36    29   234   -25   46 30 24   43
56  2   46 59 19   43 29 16

     24  0  0    45  1 15    2 33 31    28   235   -24   46 19 35   43
45 26   46 48 28   43 18 42
     25  0  0    44 50 46    2 33 25    28   236   -23   46  8 59   43
35  3   46 37 49   43  8 21

Data for the target star
* name: HIP 59732
* constellation : Virgo
* J2000 position with proper motion  to date of event [h,m,s ; °,´,"]
        RA: 12 15 00.0042  DE: -01 19 35.731
* position source: HIP
* standard error: RA,DE ["]: ( .011, .007 )
* V mag [mag]: 7.7
* B mag [mag]: 0.0
* remarks:

Data for the minor planet
* general information:
     (number) name: (209) Dido
     approx. diameter [km]: 160
     approx. diameter ["]: .105
     distance from Earth [AU]: 2.10300

* orbital information:
      orbit source: Preston
      date of fit: 2005 Mar 04
      source of used astrometry: FASTT La Silla MPC (via Astdys)
      number of used observations: 678
      number of rejected observations: 59
      time covered by the observations: 1909 Jan 09 - 2005 Mar 04
      1 sigma uncertainty ellipse (major, minor, PA): 0.026, 0.017,

* orbital elements for (209) Dido :
      Mean anomaly       = 294.78245591 deg
      Arg. of pericenter = 250.62875107 deg
      Long. of node      =   0.84473173 deg
      Inclination        =   7.18009011 deg
      Eccentricity       =   0.06433024
      Semimajor axis     =   3.14814816 AU
      Perihelion dist    =   2.94562702 AU
      Mag:             H = 7.88,  G = 0.15
      Epoch of elements  : MJD   53439.10900000 TDT
                           (2005 Mar 10.109)

------ occelmnt file for Occult  BEGIN
2005 Mar 10
   209 Dido
2h 36.5m UT
   7.7   12 15  0.004- 1 19 35.73HIP 59732              0.0
12.7    160   13.2   2.103    -1.851      6.58
  -23.240  -1.327   143.48   -4.11
  2.6075   .18800   .79216 -6.63474  1.57165 -0.00137  0.00056
2000    293.1751742005 3 1.00000250.628751  0.844732
RATE 1.7644980 .0000000 .0000000 .0000000 .00000000 .00000000 .00000000
------ occelmnt file for Occult  END

Calculator (s): Steve Preston
Date of update: 2005 Mar 05, 05:07 UT

Steve Preston
7640 NE 32nd St
Medina, WA 98039

mailto: stevepr@acm.org

----- Original Message -----
From: "Oliver Kloes"
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2005 6:20 PM

> Dear observers,
> Steve Preston has calculated a new path prediction yesterday for the
> Dido occultation.
> Link: http://asteroidoccultation.com/2005_03/0310_209_3030_Summary.txt
> He has included the data from the La Silla Observatory into his
> calculations. See mail "Dido - Preoccultation" by Raoul Behrend from
> I have checked the new path data at my mapping software.
> The shift of the path is below the resolution of my maps.
> The path is shifting south about 0.7 km perpendicular to the path.
> So you still can use my maps.
> One more expedition station:
> Werner Celnik will travel with Eberhard Bredner. While Eberhard is
> his station near chord + 20 km, Werner wants to move about 10 km
closer to
> the centre line.
> Regards,
> Oliver
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