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Dátum: 2005-01-22 12:13:47
Feladó: Szabó Sándor
Tárgy: Predictions of Occultations of Stars by Minor Planets
Két érdekes kisbolygófedés mely tolünk is látszik:

Jan 23th
Update from mister Preston
The Minor Planet 264 Libussa occults the star TYC 1967-01382-1
Time of the event: 20h07.4m UT
Please observe from: 19h58 to 20h17 UT
Predicted limit: China; Kazakhstan; S Russia; S Ukraine; N Romania; S
NE Croatia; Slovakia; N Italy; S France; N Spain and Portugal
Look at:

Jan 24th
Prediction from mister Schwaenen
The Minor Planet 7950 Berezov occults the star TYC 2449-01153-1
Time of the event: 04h45m UT
ATTENTION this is a morning observation
Please observe from: 04h38 to 04h52 UT
Predicted limit: Serbia; W Hungary; E Austria; S Czechia; Germany;
Iceland and Greenland
Look at:

Please inform you about the last minute predictions of Jan Manek

Don´t forget to look.
Clear skies and good luck.



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