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 OKKULT archívum 
Dátum: 2004-12-21 08:45:40
Feladó: Szabó Sándor
Tárgy: dec. 22-en harom kisbolygo fedes!!!!!!!!
Két kisbolygódefés is a közelünkben lesz 22-én:

Dec 22th
The Minor Planet 1957 Angara occult the star TYC 2409-01306-1u
Time of the event: 01h47.5m UT
ATTENTION this is a morning observation
Please observe from: 01h41 to 01h54 UT
Predicted limit: Turkey; NE Greece; the Balkan States; Slovenia;
Austria; S Germany
Belgium from SE to SW; England and Ireland
Look at:  http://astrosurf.com/eaon/Cartes/12%20dec/22-12%20angara.gif

Dec 22th
The Minor Planet 1736 Floirac occult the star TYC 0775-00385-1u
Time of the event: 05h39.5m UT
ATTENTION this is a morning observation
Please observe from: 05h30 to 05h49 UT
Predicted limit: NE Austria in twilight; Germany; N Belgium; S
Netherlands; England and
N Ireland
Look at:  http://astrosurf.com/eaon/Cartes/12%20dec/22-12%20floirac.gif

Please inform you about the last minut predictions of Jan Manek

Dec 22th
The Minor Planet 1354 Botha occults the 11.0 mag star 2UCAC 41667812
Time of the event: 23h48m UT

Magnitude drop 5.8 mag
Duration 3.2 sec.

Path runs over Romania, Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, Germany and France.

Steve Preston has calculated an update for this event:

Map at E.A.O.N. :

Path coordinates:


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