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 OKKULT archívum 
Dátum: 2004-12-05 17:26:01
Feladó: Szabó Sándor
Tárgy: holnap
Ismét néhány kisbolygódefésre hívom fel a fogyelmeteket:

Dec 7th
The Minor Planet 85 Io occult the star 2UCAC 34244090
Time of the event: 22h51m UT
Please observe from: 22h45 to 22h57 UT
Predicted limit:Russia; Ukraine; Romania; N Serbia; S Hungary; Croatia;
SE France; Spain and Portugal
Look at:

Dec 10th
The Minor Planet 914 Palisana occult the star 2UCAC 40625544
Time of the event: 16h32.5m UT
Please observe from: 16h26 to 16h39 UT
Predicted limit: Irac; Syria; Turkey; E Greece; SW Bulgaria; Serbia;
Croatia; W Austria
Slovenia and NE Italy
Look at: http://astrosurf.com/eaon/Cartes/12%20dec/10-12%20palisana.gif

Szabó Sándor


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