talán derült lesz, így van esélyünk az alábbi kisbolygó
Dec 5th
The Minor Planet 1373 Cincinnati occult the star TYC 3607-00737-1u
Time of the event: 17h21m UT
Please observe from: 17h15 to 17h27 UT
Predicted limit: England; N Netherlands; Germany; S Poland; N Czechia;
NW Hungary; Romania; Turkey and Syria
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Holnap pedig:
Dec 6th
The Minor Planet 489 Comacina occult the star TAC +03°01572
Time of the event: 21h54.5m UT
Please observe from: 21h48 to 22h01 UT
Predicted limit:S Russia; Romania; Serbia; S Croatia; Italy; SE France;
Spain and
N Portugal
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utolsó pályaelemzések itt vannak:
Szabó Sándor