Azt mondja, a 75 és 76 általában azt jelzi, hogy néhány
alkönyvtár nem létezik. Főleg a legalul lévőket nézd át.
Szabó Sándor
The following is a list of run-time error codes for reference in the
rare event that OCCULT crashes:
Code Description
2 Syntax error
3 RETURN without GOSUB
4 Out of DATA
5 Illegal function call
6 Overflow
7 Out of memory
9 Subscript out of range
10 Duplicate definition
11 Division by zero
13 Type mismatch
14 Out of string space
16 String formula too complex
20 RESUME without error
24 Device timeout
25 Device fault
27 Out of paper
40 Variable required
50 FIELD overflow
51 Internal error
52 Bad file name or number
53 File not found
54 Bad file mode
55 File already open
56 FIELD statement active
57 Device I/O error
58 File already exists
59 Bad record length
61 Disk full
62 Input past end of file
63 Bad record number
64 Bad file name
67 Too many files
68 Device unavailable
70 Permission denied
71 Disk not ready
72 Disk-media error
74 Rename across disks
75 Path/File access error
76 Path not found
Errors 75 and 76 will usually indicate that not all the
subdirectories used by OCCULT have been created. In particular, check
that the following directories under \OCCULT\ exist:
----- Original Message -----
From: "OKKULT-l: Bucsi Gábor"
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 6:57 PM
Subject: WinOccult futasi hibaja
Most jutottam oda, hogy ismet feltelepítsem egy regi gepre Win 98 ala
WinOccult 2.0.2 verziojat. Az Ephemeris es a Lunar occultation reduction
Run-Time error ´76´ Path not found hibara utalo uzenet miatt nem kivan
elindulni. Mivel tudnam ezt a hibat orvosolni?
Segitsegetekre szamitok!
Gabo |