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Dátum: 2004-11-24 10:47:26
Feladó: Szabó Sándor
Tárgy: kisbolygó_fedések
Az elso északon, a második dél Magyarországon megy át. A lenti
linkeken keresotérkép, Jan Manek oldalán pedig last minute
elorejelzés a pontos fedési sávról.
Szabó Sándor

Nov 26th
The Minor Planet 3062 Wren occult the star TYC 0851-00768-1u
Time of the event: 1h12m UT
ATTENTION this is a morning observation
Please observe from: 01h08 to 01h16 UT
Predicted limit: France; N Switserland; N Austria; Slovak. Rep.; Ukraine
and Russia
Look at: http://astrosurf.com/eaon/Cartes/11%20nov/26-11%20wren.gif

Nov 26th
The Minor Planet 4126 Mashu occult the star TYC 1324-00830-1u
Time of the event: 22h41m UT
Please observe from: 22h30 to 22h52 UT
Predicted limit: S Russia; Romania; N Serbia; S Hungary; N Croatia; S
N Italy; S France and NW Spain
Look at: http://astrosurf.com/eaon/Cartes/11%20nov/26-11%20mashu.gif

Please inform you about the last minut predictions of Jan Manek


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