Ismét egy kisbolygó holdjának fedésére van esélyünk szept.
22-én hajnalban. A 7 km-es holdat a 10 m-es Keck távcsovel
fedezték fel, de a pályája nem ismert. 0,3 sec-os fedését
Európa bármelyik részérol van esély megfigyelni. Térképek,
linkek alul.
Szabó Sándor
----- Original Message -----
From: "jlx"
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 5:39 AM
Subject: [PLANOCCULT] Hunting Huenna´s satellite before Wednesday dawn
> >From J.Lecacheux (France).
> On Sep.22 morning near 2:45-46 UT the 92-km asteroid (379)
> HUENNA will occult the magn. 10.7 white star TYC 1355-00208
> in Gemini.
> A tiny 7-km satellite of Huenna was discovered with a 10-m
> Keck telescope by J.L.Margot one year ago.
> The orbit of this satellite remains unknown at present.
> We only known that the satellite moved at 1200 km NE from
> the main body (projected on the sky) at discovery time.
> Consequently anybody located at less than 2000 km (measured
> on the ground) from the updated centerlines (see below)
> should search for the elusive 0.3-second blink caused by
> this satellite. This secondary event could preceed or follow
> the closest approach of Huenna to the star by less than
> 1.5 minute.
> See updated prediction maps of Huenna´s main body at
> or
> by J.Manek and S.Preston respectively.
> Actually whole west-Europe, central Europe and Scandinavia
> are concerned, plus Iceland, north-Africa and west-Turkey.
> East from the meridian +30 approximately, the morning twilight
> should become too strong.
> Remember that the chance of success isn´t decreasing with the
> distance to the centerline, but on the contrary should peak
> at 1000-1500 km. So sites in Italy or Sweden (for example)
> seem quite convenient.
> Clearly video devices of any kind are to be preferred.
> Clear sky and good luck.
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