Már látszik a 2x4 km-es (11 magnitúdós) Toutatis a Bak
csillagképben, lassan araszol dél felé. A következo egy
hónapban tröbb száz csillagot fog elfedni, de jórészt nagyon
halványakat. A fedési sáv átméroje csak néhány
kilométeres. Az elorejelzések szerint (lásd lent) Európából
egy fedés valószínu, > 61 sorszámmal Szep. 24-én HIP 105058
9.8 magnis csillag nyugat.Románia, Görögország, Líbia
irányában. Tolünk legfeljebb a csillag megközelítése
látszik, annyiból lehet érdekes, hogy könnyebben látszik,
érzékletesebb a kisbolygó mozgása.
Szabó Sándor
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Dunham"
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 12:07 AM
Subject: [PLANOCCULT] Full list of "good" Toutatis occultations
> This is an update to my earlier message about the Toutatis
> occultations, extending the table of the better events to the end of
> September. Notice the 7.5-mag. occultation on Sept. 25 visible
> from the Rocky Mountains region to southern Baja California, event
> #25.
> The 2 km by 4 km asteroid (4179) Toutatis will pass very close
> to the Earth in late September. During its approach from the
> direction roughly opposite the Sun, it will occult 360 stars this
> month, according to Edwin Goffin´s calculations. You can see world
> maps of the paths for each of these events in his 1.8-megabyte .pdf
> (Acrobat) file that you can link to and download from my Web site
> near the top of http://iota.jhuapl.edu . Each chart has two lines
> giving various quantities at the top, described left to right below:
> 1st line: Sequence number, date, star identification, and source cat.
> 2nd line: Asteroid # and name, central occ´n duration, star mag.,
> distance of star from the Moon, and the percent sunlit of the
> Moon´s disk.
> The paths are very narrow, and the orbital uncertainty is a few
> path-widths, so the chances for actually seeing one of these
> occultations is small for one observer (but better for one or two in
> a "fence" of 6 to 10 mobile observers). Since the events will be
> quick, good seeing will be needed to see those events where the
> asteroid, around 10th mag., is as bright as the star. Most of the
> events will be unobservable because the stars are 11th mag. or
> fainter, and so are fainter than Toutatis.
> More information will be needed to see these events, such as path
> coordinates, finder charts, and event times. I´m asking Edwin
> Goffin to supply his comprehensive charts, with finder charts, path
> times, etc., as he´s already done for the best Sept. 18th event with
> kappa Capricorni, for the following possibly observable events
> listed below, and maybe Steve Preston can generate Occult data for
> some of them. I´ll extend this list to the end of September in a
> few days. After the close approach, Toutatis will be too close to
> the Sun for effective observing until it gets too far away (and much
> smaller chances for seeing an occultation). In any case, these
> appulses, even the "unobservable occultation" ones, provide targets
> for finding Toutatis and seeing its unusually fast motion. The
> central occultation durations, computed with a slightly too big
> diameter of 5 km range from 1.7s on Sept. 17 to 0.9s on Sept. 24.
> Seq. 2004
> # Date Star mag. Path description
> 8 Sep. 17 TYC 6366-00265-1 11.3 Tasman Sea
> 11 Sep. 18 HIP 107188* 4.9 s.e. Brazil coast; Antarctic Pen.
> 20 Sep. 21 TYC 6374-00196-1 11.5 British Columbia to California
> 21 Sep. 20 HIP 106729 9.4 w.Russia,Iran,Iraq,S.Arabia,Africa
> 25 Sep. 22 TYC 6939-00151-1 9.6 cen.Brazil,Paraguay,cen.Argentina
> 30 Sep. 22 TYC 6939-00356-1 10.9 s.e.Queensland to n. of Adelaide
> 39 Sep. 23 TYC 6942-00220-1 11.0 British Columbia to w. Oregon
> 44 Sep. 23 HIP 105814 7.8 Tasman Sea
> 48 Sep. 24 TYC 6946-00858-1 11.8 Kansas to s. tip of Baja Calif.
> 61 Sep. 24 HIP 105058 9.8 w.Romania,Greece,e.Lybia-Nigeria
> 65 Sep. 25 HIP 104809 7.5 e.Rocky Mtns. to s. Baja Calif.
> 69 Sep. 25 HIP 104896 9.8 Montreal-NYC-C.Hatteras,Cuba,e.HN
> 71 Sep. 25 TYC 7472-00325-1 9.9 s.e.Queensland to s.e.S.Australia
> 73 Sep. 25 TYC 7472-00240-1 11.5 s.e.Siberia,e.Honshu,s.e.Mindanao
> 78 Sep. 25 TYC 7475-01109-1 10.6 n.w. Western Australia
> 95 Sep. 25 TYC 7475-00511-1 10.2 southern India
> 103 Sep. 26 TYC 7475-00834-1 8.6 nwAfrica,seBrazil,UY,e&sArgentina
> 106 Sep. 26 TYC 7475-00542-1 10.8 Ontario-Florida,w.Cuba,w.GT
> 108 Sep. 26 TYC 7475-00610-1 9.7 Venezuela, s.e. Colombia, Peru
> 116 Sep. 26 TYC 7469-01394-1 9.9 n.w.India, s.e.Pakistan
> 123 Sep. 26 TYC 7963-00338-1 9.4 southern India
> 130 Sep. 26 HIP 102677 8.7 w.Pakistan, e.& s. South Africa
> 132 Sep. 26 TYC 7469-00404-1 9.4 s.e.China,Thailand,n.Sumatra
> 151 Sep. 26 HIP 102441 9.5 s. Sri Lanka; Antarctica
> 152 Sep. 26 TYC 7963-01374-1 11.2 central Spain, n.w. Africa
> 153 Sep. 26 TYC 7963-00629-1 9.5 Iran,S.Arabia,Djibouti-s.Namibia
> 154 Sep. 26 TYC 7967-00022-1 9.2 Bermuda, Haiti, e. Panama
> 157 Sep. 26 TYC 7967-00042-1 10.6 Canary Is.,s.e. Brazil,Patagonia
> 163 Sep. 27 TYC 7954-01175-1 9.9 e. South Africa (low)
> 172 Sep. 27 TYC 7954-00020-1 11.3 Rocky Mountains, cen. Mexico
> 174 Sep. 27 TYC 7954-01262-1 10.4 Bermuda, e. Cuba, w. Panama
> 193 Sep. 27 HIP 101432 6.9 cen.Brazil; Bolivia; w.Argentina
> 199 Sep. 27 TYC 7954-00700-1 10.5 cen.Brazil;e.Paraguay;neArgentina
> 242 Sep. 27 TYC 8405-01498-1 11.2 Western Australia (near Perth)
> 245 Sep. 27 HIP 100030 8.7 AU-Brisbane-e.Tas.;near McMurdo
> 250 Sep. 27 HIP 99417 7.0 east and south India
> 251 Sep. 27 TYC 8392-02130-1 10.6 AU-w.Queensland to Adelaide
> 257 Sep. 27 TYC 8392-02053-1 10.2 n.w.Australia?, Antarctica
> 263 Sep. 27 HIP 99661 8.4 s.e.China, Thailand, n.Sumatra
> 268 Sep. 27 TYC 8392-02391-1 9.5 eastern Western Australia
> 291 Sep. 27 TYC 8396-00673-1 8.8 w.India (low), Madagascar
> 293 Sep. 27 TYC 8396-00555-1 10.3 w.India (low), Madagascar
> 296 Sep. 27 HIP 99270 6.6 s.e.Iran(low), South Africa
> 327 Sep. 27 TYC 8398-00807-1 9.6 Brazil, Paraguay, cen. Chile
> 333 Sep. 27 HIP 97810 9.0 seBrazil, Uruguay, cen.Argentina
> 336 Sep. 27 TYC 8399-02153-1 8.6 n.w. Nigeria
> 342 Sep. 27 HIP 97935 8.5 seBrazil,nwUruguay,cen.Argentina
> *kappa Capricorni; full Goffin chart at http://iota.jhuapl.edu .
> David Dunham, 2004 Sept. 15
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