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Dátum: 2004-08-23 18:27:27
Feladó: Szabó Sándor
Tárgy: Hogy találjuk meg a Nephthyst szept. 6-an?
Szentléleken is volt róla szó a nappali fedésrol. Teszt
alapján az éta Oph. látszott 15 centis távcsoben délután.
Itt lenn láthatjátok a listát az ajánlott csillagokról (elozo
este meg kell keresni oket) és az idopont, hogy hány óra:perccel
késobb lesz ott az éta Oph. másnap délután.
Szabó Sándor

----- Original Message -----
From: rdapt@tele2.fr
To: planoccult
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 2:04 AM
Subject: [PLANOCCULT] Help to find Nephthys sep 6

    Here are a few stars suitable to aim your telescope during the night
from 5 to 6 september. Finder charts for these stars are attached. In
the table below, there are coordinates and time (UT) to wait, telescope
standing still, for seeing the target eta OPH in your field.
    The target star can be easily seen in the afternoon with an aperture
of 15cm (it has been tested), and maybe with only 10cm. Please try the
method a few days before !
    Don´t forget that the scope will be aimed at about 20 degrees over
the south east horizon (in western Europe).
    Have no clouds !

# HIP           RA h m s    DEC d ´    mag v
113136=deltaAQR RA 22 54 39 DEC -15 49  3.3  Target 18h12m44sUT later
at  5´N
6589            RA 01 24 40 DEC -15 40  6.2  Target 15h43m08sUT later at
7345=49CET      RA 01 34 38 DEC -15 41  5.6  Target 15h33m11sUT later
at  3´S
8102=TauCET     RA 01 44 05 DEC -15 56  3.5  Target 15h23m46sUT later
at 13´N
15868           RA 03 24 25 DEC -15 39  7.5  Target 13h43m42sUT later at

84012           RA 17 10 22.7 DEC -15 43 29 3.0 (the Target !)
(main component of eta OPH, total mag 2.44, separation 0.56").
Other names : eta OPH = Sabik = Sinistra = Säik = Sung .


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