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 OKKULT archívum 
2003-09-25 21:45:27 Szabó Sándor Fw: [PLANOCCULT] Update for (709) Fringilla on September 26/27, 2003
2003-09-24 06:54:48 Dr. Asztalos Tibor 46 Leonis kilepese
2003-09-23 21:36:46 Szabó Sándor Fw: [PLANOCCULT] Update for (85) Io on September 26/27, 2003
2003-09-23 21:36:12 Szabó Sándor Fw: [PLANOCCULT] Update for (85) Io on September 26/27, 2003
2003-09-07 21:31:55 Szabó Sándor Fw: [PLANOCCULT] Predictions of Occultations of Stars by Minor Planets
2003-09-07 09:27:40 Ladanyi Tamas o Sgr es 60 Sgr
2003-09-06 20:59:26 Szabó Sándor Fw: [PLANOCCULT] Update for (357) Ninina on September 10/11, 2003
2003-09-06 15:20:45 Szabó Sándor Fw: [PLANOCCULT] Coming Ninina event: target star tested in dawn

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