Denisz Deniszenkóék most jelentették be egy fényes törpe nóva
MASTER OT J042609.34+354144.8 - outburst of white dwarf in wide binary
system with the common PM
MASTER-Amur auto-detection system discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) =
04h 26m 09.34s +35d 41m 44.8s on 2012-09-30.66381 UT. The OT unfiltered
magnitude is 12.9m (limit 17.9m). The OT is seen in 2 images. There is
no minor planet at this place.
We have reference image without flare on 2012-02-07.64459 UT with
magnitude limit in ´R´ filter 17.3m.
The object is identical to the 16th mag. star USNO-B1.0 1256-0072787
(R.A.=04 26 09.297 Dec.=+35 41 45.37 pmRA=16 pmDE=-42 B1=16.71 R1=16.16
B2=16.05 R2=15.73 I=15.39) and to the infrared object 2MASS
04260931+3541451 (J=15.30+/-0.04 H=14.80+/-0.05 K=14.45+/-0.06). There
is also an ultraviolet object at the same position GALEX
J042609.3+354145 (FUV=17.70+/-0.05 NUV=17.52+/-0.03). Finally, there is
a bright X-ray source 1RXS J042608.9+354151 (flux 0.111+/-0.018
cnts/sec, hardness ratios HR1=1.00+/-0.05 HR2=0.38+/-0.14) with 9" error
circle formally at 7" from the OT. HR1=1.00 in ROSAT is typical for
dwarf novae (for example, 1RXS J231935.0+364705).
The OT is a south-western component of a binary system with 16.6"
separation and common proper motion. The second component is a red dwarf
2MASS 04261052+3541528 with IR magnitudes J=13.65+/-0.02 H=12.92+/-0.02
K=12.65+/-0.02. This binary is listed in WDS catalog as CRB 64. The
object is not present in GCVS and AAVSO VSX.
No previous outbursts were detected on 6 Palomar plates and 3 NEAT
images. However, there was an outburst to 13.4m on JD=2454771 in CRTS
data and likely two fainter ones to 14.4m and 14.7m.
Color-combined (BRIR) DSS finder chart is uploaded to (10´x10´
FOV). Follow up photometric and spectroscopic observations are required.
The discovery and reference images are available at:
Fidusz (FIDRICH Robert)