A CBET pénteki 3228. számában hivatalosan is bejelentették, hogy a
színképek alapján is törpenóvát talált Itagaki.
A szombat/vasárnap éjjel készített DSLR képeimen még mindig látszik a
csillag kicsivel 14 magni alatt.
Ha valakinek lenne kedve észlelni a csillagot, akkor az UCAC-4 katalógus
felhasználásával készíthetek APASS alapú előzetes öh-sorozatot (a
Seqplotban még nincs APASS fotometria a területről, valószínűleg azért,
mert csak egy éjszaka készült mérés a területről).
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DWARF NOVA IN PEGASUS = PNV J23272715+0855391
Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu University, reports the discovery by K. Itagaki,
Yamagata, Japan, of a possible nova (mag 13.9) on unfiltered supernova-search
CCD images taken on Sept. 13.568 UT with a 0.50-m f/6 reflector. The new
object is located at R.A. = 23h27m27s.15, Decl. = +8d55´39".1 (equinox
2000.0). The discovery image has been posted at the following website URL: A possible quiescent counterpart
of red magnitude 22.0 is present in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (DR8),
suggesting a rather large amplitude for a dwarf nova. The variable was
designated PNV J23272715+0855391 when it was posted at the Central Bureau´s
TOCP webpage. Additional CCD magnitudes for PNV J23272715+0855391: 2011
Oct. 19.559, [19.0 (Itagaki); 2012 Sept. 13.951, V = 13.9 (Massimiliano
Martignoni, Magnago, Italy; 25-cm f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain reflector; position
end figures 27s.13, 38".8); 14.163, 13.7 (R. A. Koff, Bennett, CO, USA; Meade
0.25-m f/10 reflector + Apogee U-47 camera; limiting magnitude 18.4; position
end figures 27s.14, 38".8; UCAC3 reference stars; image posted at website URL
M. Dennefeld, Institute d´Astrophysique de Paris and University of Paris
6; M. Valentini, University of Liege; A. Siviero and A. Pizzella, University
of Padova; L. Tomasella, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Osservatorio
Astronomico di Padova; and the NEON school (cf. IAUC 7664) students M. Cortes
(Spain), N. Ozel (Belgium), and A. Rajpurohit (France), report that a
spectrogram of PNV J23272715+0855391, obtained on Sept. 13.87 UT with the
1.82-m Copernico telescope (+ Afosc spectrograph; range 350-820 nm, resolution
1.3 nm), suggests that this is a dwarf nova. The spectrum shows a strong blue
continuum, with Balmer lines in absorption, and a weak H_alpha emission inside
the absorption. A weak He II (468.6 nm) emission line is possibly present.
No other emission is seen and no P Cyg profiles detected. The Ca II doublet
(393.3-396.7 nm) is also seen in absorption. The spectrum best resembles an
object designated by Liu and Hu (2000, Ap.J. Supp. 128, 387) as "Cet1", also
known as PG 0240+066 in the master catalogue of cataclysmic variables by
Downes et al. (1997, PASP 109, 345).
(C) Copyright 2012 CBAT
2012 September 14 (CBET 3228) Daniel W. E. Green
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Fidusz (FIDRICH Robert)