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 MIRA archívum 
Dátum: 2012-07-03 13:07:57
Feladó: Gábor Sánta
Tárgy: Re: [Fwd: CBET 3156: 20120629 : NOVA SAGITTARII 2012 No. 3 = PNV J17522579-2126215 [Caution: Message contains Suspicious URL
Milyen fényes most?


Bocs, de most egy Vul-törpenóva, egy mira meg ez, és már elvesztem,
miről van térkép és miről nincs. Ráadásul 4 napig a Mátrában voltam...


2012/6/30, "Sárneczky, Krisztián" :
> És az is érdekes, hogy az összes többi spektrum, amit a CBET idéz 28-án,
> két
> nappal a miénk után készült. Lehet, hogy a tapasztalt nóva spektroszkópusok
> pontosan tudják, hogy várni kell pár napot a robbanás után, hogy kijöjjenek
> a
> jellegzetességek.
> Sry
>> Igen, ez volt is bennem gyanúkent (a Warner-könyv szépen leírja a
>> pre-maximum novaspektrum kinézetet az abszorpcios vonalakkal), de azt
>> hittem, az meg ettől a fazistol is korábban van. Hat igen, az ember
>> mindig
>> tanul, ilyen korai novaszinkepet meg nem láttam.
>> Ksl
>> "Sárneczky, Krisztián" 2012. június 30., szombat napon a következőt írta:
>>> Na, mégiscsak nóva! Úgy látszik, túl gyorsak voltunk, és fél nappal a
>>> robbanás után még nem alakultak ki a nóvára jellemző vonalak a
>>> színképben.
>>> Az ember mindig tanul valami újat.
>>> Üdv,
>>> Sry
>>> ------------------------------ Eredeti üzenet
>>> -------------------------------
>>> tárgy:   CBET 3156: 20120629 : NOVA SAGITTARII 2012 No. 3 = PNV
>>> J17522579-2126215 [Caution: Message contains Suspicious URL content]
>>> feladó:  "Lucia" >
>>> dátum:   2012.június 30.(Szo) 1:48 am
>>> címzett: sky@titan.physx.u-szeged.hu
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>                                                  Electronic Telegram No.
>>> 3156
>>> Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
>>> CBAT Director:  Daniel W. E. Green; Hoffman Lab 209; Harvard University;
>>>  20 Oxford St.; Cambridge, MA  02138; U.S.A.
>>> e-mail:  cbatiau@eps.harvard.edu (alternate
>>> cbat@iau.org
>>> )
>>> URL http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/index.html
>>> Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
>>> NOVA SAGITTARII 2012 No. 3 = PNV J17522579-2126215
>>>     Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu University, reports the discovery by K.
>>> Itagaki
>>> (Yamagata, Japan) of a possible nova (mag 10.3) on an unfiltered CCD
>>> image
>>> taken on June 26.5494 UT with a 0.21-m reflector, the position given as
>>> R.A. =
>>> 17h52m25s.79, Decl. = -21d26´21".5 (equinox 2000.0); Itagaki confirmed
>>> the
>>> new
>>> variable at mag about 10.2 on an unfiltered image taken on June 26.565
>>> with a
>>> 0.60-m reflector.  Itagaki has posted an image of the variable at the
>>> following
>>> website URL:  http://www.k-itagaki.jp/images/pnv.jpg.  The variable was
>>> designated PSN J17522579-2126215 when it was posted at the Central
>>> Bureau´s
>>> TOCP webpage.
>>>     Additional CCD magnitudes for PSN J17522579-2126215:  June 21.985,
>>> [12.0
>>> (Herman Mikuz, Crni Vrh Observatory; 120-mm f/4 camera lens + CCD;
>>> object
>>> position close to edge of field); June 22.988, [12.0 (Mikuz); June
>>> 24.050,
>>> [12.0 (Mikuz); June 25.666, [16.0 (Itagaki); June 26.540, 9.9 (Yukio
>>> Sakurai,
>>> Mito, Ibaraki-ken, Japan; independent discovery on four 20-s frames
>>> taken
>>> with
>>> a Fuji FinePix S2 Digital Camera + Nikon 180-mm f/2.8 lens; position end
>>> figures 25s.59, 22".9, measured by S. Nakano, Sumoto, Japan, who noted a
>>> probable error of +/- 5" and limiting magnitude about 11.5); June
>>> 26.640,
>>> 10.0
>>> (Itagaki); June 27.192, 9.0 (C. Jacques and E. Pimentel; using a 0.25-m
>>> f/3.4
>>> astrograph + clear filter at the RAS Observatory near Mayhill, NM,
>>> U.S.A.;
>>> position end figures 25s.79, 21".9; limiting mag 15.8; image posted at
>>> URL
>>> http://ceamig-rea.net/tocp/PNV_J17522579-2126215.jpg); June 26.919, R =
>>> 9.7
>>> (Mikuz); June 27.193, 9.9 (Jacques and Pimentel; red filter); June
>>> 27.194,
>>> 10.1 (Jacques and Pimentel; visual filter); June 27.195, 10.5 (Jacques
>>> and
>>> Pimentel; blue filter); June 27.253, B = 11.2, V = 9.7, R_c = 8.7, I_c =
>>> 7.7
>>> (T. Yusa, Osaki, Japan; position end figures 25s.77, 21".5, USNO-B1.0
>>> reference stars; remotely using a 0.25-m f/3.4 hyperbolic astrograph +
>>> SBIG
>>> ST-10XME camera at the RAS Observatory, iTelescope network, near
>>> Mayhill;
>>> position and magnitude measured from a three co-added 30-s images,
>>> limiting
>>> magnitude 15.7); June 27.3, R = 8.9 (Ernesto Guido, Giovanni Sostero,
>>> and
>>> Nick Howes; remotely with a 0.10-m f/5 reflector of the ITelescope
>>> network
>>> of the RAS Observatory near Mayhill; position end figures 25s.79, 21".6;
>>> reference stars from CMC-14 catalogue; an animation showing a comparison
>>> between their image and a red Digitized Sky Survey plate from 1996 is
>>> posted
>>> at URL http://bit.ly/M3mhZn; their annotated confirmation image is
>>> posted
>>> at
>>> URL http://bit.ly/OrjMA9); June 27.3101, V = 9.804 +/- 0.032 (Carl
>>> Hergenrother, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona;
>>> obtained
>>> remotely with the Sierra Stars 0.61-m telescope; V and B magnitudes
>>> derived
>>> from the AAVSO VPHOT program, while the R-band magnitudes were measured
>>> using
>>> stars from the CMC-14 catalogue; position end figures 25s.79, 21".7,
>>> relative
>>> to the CMC-14 astrometric catalogue); June 27.3129, B = 11.311 +/- 0.009
>>> (Hergenrother); June 27.355, B = 11.36, V = 9.80, R_c = 8.82, I_c = 7.65
>>> (Seiichiro Kiyota, Tsukuba, Japan; 25-cm reflector + SBIG ST-10XME CCD
>>> camera
>>> located near Mayhill -- T4, iTelescope.net -- used for photometry;
>>> position
>>> end figures 25s.69, 21".8; 43-cm reflector + FLI-PL6303E CCD camera --
>>> T21
>>> --
>>> used for astrometry); June 28.3075, V = 11.019 +/- 0.046 (Hergenrother);
>>> June
>>> 28.3083, B = 12.282 +/- 0.024 (Hergenrother); June 28.3107, R = 9.62 +/-
>>> 0.06
>>> (Hergenrother); June 28.612, I_c = 8.56 (Hiroyuki Maehara, Kwasan
>>> Observatory,
>>> Kyoto University; 0.25-m telescope); June 28.613, R_c = 9.24 (Maehara);
>>> June
>>> 28.614, V = 11.24 (Maehara); June 28.616, B = 12.49 (Maehara).  Jacques
>>> and
>>> Pimentel note that no progenitor star could be identified on a Palomar
>>> Sky
>>> Survey plate from Sept. 1950.  Mikuz´s June 26 image is posted at
>>> website
>>> URL
>>> http://www.observatorij.org/vstars/PNVJ17522579-2126215.jpg; Yusa´s
>>> image
>>> is
>>> posted at
>>> http://space.geocities.jp/yusastar77/supernova/PSNinSgr_120627.htm.
>>>     L. Kiss and K. Sarneczky, Konkoly Observatory, Hungary; and J.
>>> Kovacs
>>> and
>>> T. Borkovits, ELTE Gothard Observatory, Hungary, report on a
>>> medium-resolution
>>> optical spectrogram of PNV J17522579-2126215 obtained with the 0.5-m
>>> reflector
>>> of the Gothard Observatory on June 26.95 UT.  The spectrum does not
>>> contain
>>> any strong emission lines, with a clearly identifiable H-beta line in
>>> absorption and a strong interstellar absorption of the sodium D doublet.
>>>  The
>>> H-alpha line is possibly seen in absorption.  Two narrow emission lines
>>> are
>>> also visible around 575.0 nm, each with FWZI about 60 km/s.  The
>>> spectrum
>>> safely excludes the nova nature of the object, which is presumably a
>>> dwarf
>>> nova in outburst phase.  The estimated visual brightness of the target
>>> was
>>> about mag 9.5, based on the guider image.
>>>     Kazuyoshi Imamura, Okayama University of Science (OUS), reports on
>>> obtaining a low-resolution spectrum (R about 400) of PNV
>>> J17522579-2126215
>>> on
>>> June 28.593 UT, using the DSS-7 spectrometer attached to the 0.28-m
>>> Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope at the OUS observatory.  Broad and
>>> prominent
>>> emission lines of the Balmer series, He I (706.5-nm), O I (777.3-nm),
>>> and
>>> Mg
>>> II (788.0-nm) can be seen in the spectrum.  The Balmer lines show
>>> asymmetrical
>>> profiles; the FWHM of H-alpha is approximately 4100 km/s.  From this
>>> result,
>>> the variable is thought to be a classical nova with a large expansion
>>> velocity.
>>> The spectrum has been posted at the following website URL:
>>> http://blog-imgs-44.fc2.com/t/n/b/tnblab/pnSGR_20120628.png.
>>>     Hiroyuki Maehara, Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University, obtained a
>>> low-resolution spectrum (R about 300) of PNV J17522579-2126215 on June
>>> 28.647
>>> with a 25-cm telescope at Kwasan Observatory.  The spectrum shows broad
>>> H-alpha
>>> emission line (FWHM about 4000 km/s), which suggests that the object is
>>> a
>>> classical nova.  The spectrogram has been posted at the following
>>> website
>>> URL:
>>> http://www.kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~maehara/novae/pnv1752.png.
>>>     Christian Buil writes that a spectrogram taken on June 28.864 UT with
>>> a
>>> 0.28-m telescope (+ LISA spectrograph) at the Castanet Observatory in
>>> France
>>> reveals that the nova-like nature of PNV J17522579-2126215 is confirmed;
>>> the
>>> spectrum is dominated by intense hydrogen emission.  The H_alpha line
>>> shows
>>> a FWHM of 4500 km/s.
>>>     Ulisse Munari, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Padova
>>> Astronomical
>>> Observatory, observed PNV J17522579-2126215 with the 1.22-m Asiago
>>> telescope
>>> (operated by the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University
>>> of
>>> Padova) on June 28.95 UT (presumed), at a dispersion on 0.231
>>> micron/pixel
>>> over the wavelength range 330-770 nm.  The spectrum is that of a nova of
>>> the
>>> He/N type, with hydrogen Balmer and He I in strong emission.  The FWHM
>>> of
>>> the
>>> emission lines is 4500 km/s.  The object appears to be heavily reddened,
>>> with
>>> strong interstellar Na I lines visible in absorption.
>>> NOTE: These ´Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams´ are sometimes
>>>      superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.
>>>                         (C) Copyright 2012 CBAT
>>> 2012 June 29                     (CBET 3156)              Daniel W. E.
>>> Green
>>> ________________________________________________________________________
>>> Mira levelezőlista - Változócsillag-észlelők fóruma
>>> Hozzászólások: Mira@mcse.hu
>>> Listakezelő utasítások: Mira-request@mcse.hu
>>> Archívum, beállítások: http://mailman.mcse.hu/mailman/listinfo/mira
>> --
>> László L. Kiss
>> Scientific advisor & Lendület project leader
>> Konkoly Observatory
>> Hungarian Academy of Sciences
>> klaci72@skype
>> Web: http://www.konkoly.hu/staff/kiss
>> ________________________________________________________________________
>> Mira levelezőlista - Változócsillag-észlelők fóruma
>> Hozzászólások: Mira@mcse.hu
>> Listakezelő utasítások: Mira-request@mcse.hu
>> Archívum, beállítások: http://mailman.mcse.hu/mailman/listinfo/mira
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Mira levelezőlista - Változócsillag-észlelők fóruma
> Hozzászólások: Mira@mcse.hu
> Listakezelő utasítások: Mira-request@mcse.hu
> Archívum, beállítások: http://mailman.mcse.hu/mailman/listinfo/mira


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