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Dátum: 2011-09-06 10:43:36
Feladó: FIDRICH Robert
Tárgy: Fenyes, 11,8 koruli torpenova-jelolt a Dracoban

A vsnet-en jott a hir, hogy a CBAT meg-nem-erositett objektumok oldalan
Hideo Nisimura bejelentett egy fenyes, 11.8 magni koruli, eddig nem
latott csillagot. Nehany oraval kesobb Sz. Kijota megerositte a
felfedezest. A hirek szerint a koraban egy 20 magnis csillag latszott a
megadott pozicion. Ez alapjan valoszinuleg egy WZ Sge tipusu torpenova

Jo eszlelest!


----- Forwarded message from Seiichiro Kiyota -----
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2011 13:14:59 +0900
From: Seiichiro Kiyota
Subject: [vsnet-alert 13645] Re: OT J184228.1+483742: 11.8 mag transient

I confirmed this transient object on images taken with 25cm reflector (fl=850mm) and SBIG ST-8XE camera at Mayhill, NM, USA (Global-rent-a-scope).
Position end figures are 28.03 and 41.77.
Photometry results are 12.13V, 12.16Rc, 12.28Ic and 12.13B at 6.1019-6.1073 Sep 2011 UT.
According to its blue color, it might be dwarf nova rather than classical nova.

                         Seiichiro Kiyota, Tsukuba, Japan

(11/09/06 9:06), Taichi Kato wrote:
> OT_J184228.1+483742
>     Nishimura-san has detected a bright transient.  There was a 20 mag
> star at the position of the improved astrometry.  The object appears
> to be a high-amplitude WZ Sge-type dwarf nova.
> All sorts of observations are encouraged!
> http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/unconf/followups/J18422792+4837425.html
----- End forwarded message -----


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