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Dátum: 2011-04-28 17:51:28
Feladó: Krisztian Sarneczky
Tárgy: Re: fenyes szupernova: SN 2011by az NGC 3972-ben
Vinkó Józsi szerint akár 11 magnitúdóig is kifényesedhet, így az elmúlt
sok év legfényesebb SN-je lehet. Észlelni, észlelni, észlelni.


u.i. Fidusz, lehet, hogy a leonidak-ra is meg kéne írni, biztos szép
fotókat csinálnának róla a nem változósok is.

On Thu, 28 Apr 2011, FIDRICH Robert wrote:

> Sziasztok!
> Van egy fényes szupernóva az NGC 3972-ben: SN 2011by.
> A fényessége 14,2 magnitudó volt a felfedezéskor, de a színképfelvételek
> alapján kb. 10 nappal a maximum előtt van, tehát még fényesedhet.
> Ahogy nézem, egész könnyű helyen van, a gamma UMa közelében, a Z UMa-tól
> néhány fokkal délre.
> Jó észlelést!
> * * *
> AAVSO Alert Notice 438
> Supernova 2011by: bright Type Ia supernova
> April 28, 2011
> Supernova 2011by in NGC 3972 = PSN J11554556+5519338
> Discovered by: Zhangwei Jin, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China, and Xing Gao,
> Urumqi, Xinjiang, China
> Discovery Date: Apr. 26.8234 UT
> Discovery Magnitude: approximately 14.2 using a Celestron C14
> Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope (+ unfiltered CCD camera) at Mt.
> Nanshan
> Position: R.A. = 11:55:45.56  Decl. = +55:19:33.8 (equinox 2000.0)
> SN 2011at is about 5.3" east and 19.1" north of the center of
> NGC 3972.
> Spectra: Spectra obtained on 2011 Apr. 27.5 UT with the 2.16-m
> telescope (+ BFOSC) at the Xinglong Station of the NAOCT by T. Zhang
> and Z. Zhou, National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC),
> and X. Wang, Tsinghua Center for Astrophysics, Tsinghua University,
> show SN 2011by to be a type-Ia supernova at a very early phase, about
> 10 days before maximum.
> Charts: Finder charts for SN 2011by (AUID 000-BKB-410) may be plotted
> by entering the name or the coordinates above into VSP:
> http://www.aavso.org/vsp
> Reporting Observations: Please report all observations to the AAVSO
> as SN 2011by.
> Notes:
> a. Initially announced in Central Bureau for Electronic Telegrams
> 2708 (Daniel W. E. Green, ed.). All information in this Alert Notice
> comes from CBET 2708.
> b. According to Green, the object was designated PSN J11554556+5519338
> when posted on the Central Bureau´s Transient Objects Confirmation
> Page (TOCP) webpage, and was designated SN 2011by based on
> spectroscopic reports.
> c. Nothing was visible down to magnitude 19.5 at this position on
> images taken by Zhangwei Jin and Xing Gao on Apr. 8 and 10, or on
> a Digitized Sky Survey image from 1991 May 7 down to 19.5 (plate
> type or bandpass not reported).
> d. Discovery image by Zhangwei Jin and Xing Gao posted at the
> following website URL:  http://www.xjltp.com/XOSS/XM20ZJ/XM20ZJ.htm.
> e. Unfiltered CCD images obtained remotely by Joseph Brimacombe,
> Cairns, Australia, using a 51-cm RCOS telescope (+ STL11K camera) at
> the New Mexico Skies Observatory near Mayhill, New Mexico, on Apr.
> 27.332 UT yield magnitude 14.5 and position end figures
> 45.57s, 33.9"; image posted at website URL
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/43846774@N02/5661036373/.
> Congratulations to Zhangwei Jin and Xing Gao on their discovery!
> This AAVSO Alert Notice was compiled by Elizabeth O. Waagen.
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> --
> Fidusz (FIDRICH Robert)
> drotlevel:fidusz@zpok.hu
> #jabber/gtalk: fidusz@jabber.hu
> #skype: fidusz
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