Nagyon szép kort ért meg. Nyugodjon békében.
Ha jó emlékszem 2003-ban járt Budapesten egy hajókirándulás keretében,
és eljutott a Polarisba is. Akkor már 94 éves volt, de minden évben a
feleségével hosszabb kirándulásra mentek.
Irigylésre méltóan hosszú és tartalmas életet élt.
On 2011.03.22. 17:32, FIDRICH Robert wrote:
> Sziasztok!
> Ma jött a hír, hogy 102 éves korában elhúnyt Edward E. Halbach, aki
> az AAVSO második alelnöke is volt. Halbach, aki 1934 és 2005 között mint
> százezer változócsillag-észlelést végzett. Veje, Michael Moore
> filmrendező tájékoztatása szerint Halbach halála a tavaszi
> napéjegyenlőség előtti vagy utáni egy percen belül következett be.
> * * *
> Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 10:20:01 -0400
> From: Elizabeth Waagen
> Subject: [AAVSO-DIS] Edward A. Halbach, 1910-2011 (correction)
> In the subject header of my announcement of Ed Halbach´s death, I made
> an error in the year of his birth. Ed was born on April 5 in 1909, not
> in 1910. Thus, Ed was nearly 102 when he passed away. My sincere
> apologies for the error.
> Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO
> Here is the message I posted to the AAVSO discussion group:
> Dear Friends,
> I am sad to announce that longtime AAVSO member and observer Edward A.
> Halbach (HK) passed away yesterday, March 20, 2011, at 7:21 pm EDT
> (2011
> March 20, 23:21 UT), at the venerable age of 101. As Ed´s son-in-law,
> Michael Moore, reported to Gerry Samolyk, Ed´s death occurred within
> minutes of the Vernal Equinox.
> During his 76 years of AAVSO membership, Ed contributed 100,715 visual
> observations to the AAVSO International Database made between May 29,
> 1934, and June 13, 2005 (JD 2427587-2453535). Ed and his lovely (and
> patient) wife, Jane, were frequent attendees at AAVSO meetings, and
> Ed´s stories were always great fun to listen to. In the 1940´s he
> served on the AAVSO Council and as AAVSO 2nd Vice President. Ed was the
> recipient of the AAVSO Merit Award in 1988, the AAVSO William Tyler
> Olcott Distinguished Service Award in 2003, and AAVSO Observer Awards
> for visual observations through the 100,000 level. Ed mentored hundreds
> of observers over the decades, and was also a central figure of the
> Milwaukee Astronomical Society for many years. As an engineer, he was
> innovative and constantly thinking of ways to make observing and
> observing resources more efficient, from suggesting and making
> modifications to charts, to inventing a gravity-activated red observing
> flashlight to wear around the neck, to designing a portable
> observing/recording cart he used in later years, to...
> Ed was an example of the classic AAVSO member/observer - dedicated,
> enthusiastic, persistent, meticulous, generous and kind, and very
> independent. We are grateful for his love of variable stars, his
> valuable contributions to variable star astronomy, and his long
> association with the AAVSO. We shall miss him.
> Elizabeth O. Waagen
> Senior Technical Assistant
> ----- End forwarded message -----
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