A CBET 2186. számában K. Ajani (Bisei Astronomical Observatory) arról
számol be, hogy az obszervatórium 1 méteres távcsövével készített
kisfelbontású színkép alapján úgy néz ki, hogy a pár napja felfedezett
csillag egy Fe-II típusú nóva.
* * *
K. Ayani, Bisei Astronomical Observatory (BAO), writes that a low-
resolution spectrum (range 400-800 nm; resolution 0.5 nm at H-alpha) of the
probable nova reported on CBET 2183 was obtained with the BAO 1-m telescope
on Feb. 23.88 UT. This shows prominent H-alpha emission with P-Cyg
absorption upon a red continuum. The FWHM and equivalent width of the
H-alpha emission component are about 1800 km/s and 70 nm, respectively, and
the absorption bottom is blueshifted by 1600 km/s with respect to the
emission peak. The spectrum also shows emission lines of H-beta and Fe II
(multiplet 42), which are weak and probably due to large interstellar
extinction. These features show that the new object is a "Fe II"-type nova.
(C) Copyright 2010 CBAT
2010 February 23 (CBET 2186) Daniel W. E. Green
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Fidusz (FIDRICH Robert)
#skype: fidusz |