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Dátum: 2010-01-14 15:06:16
Feladó: FIDRICH Robert
Tárgy: Uj, 13 magnis torpenova az Aqr-ban: OT_J225749.6-082228 (Itagaki)
----- Forwarded message from Kenzo Kinugasa -----
From: Kenzo Kinugasa
Subject: [vsnet-alert 11770] Re: [vsnet-outburst 10893] OT_J225749.6-082228
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 14:53:47 +0900 (JST)

Hi all,

  Here is a spectral result of the new variable discovered by Itagaki.
The spectum shows it to be a dwarf nova in outburst. The spectrum is


  I have submitted the report below to the CBAT.



K. Kinugasa, H.Takahashi, S. Honda, H. Taguchi, and O. Hashimoto,
Gunma Astronomical Observatory (GAO); and H. Yamaoka, Kyushu University,
write that a low-resolution spectrogram (420-800 nm, resolution about 500)
of the new variable discovered by Itagaki was obtained on Jan.13.4 UT with
the GAO 1.5-m reflector (+GLOWS). The spectrum shows a smooth blue
continuum with prominent H-beta and H-gamma absorption lines.
While, the H-alpha is a shallow absorption, which seem to be filled
by the emission core.  These characteristics suggest that it is a
dwarf nova in outburst.

>>    Until the nature of the object becomes clear, use the designation
>> OT_J225749.6-082228 for reporting.  The object is a very good target
>> for time-series photometry.
>> OT_J225749.6-082228 20100109.430 130C KIt
>> ===
>> Subject: [vsnet-outburst 10891] possible outburst of SDSS
>>         J225749.54-082228.7: new CV or nova?
>> Hi all,
>>   I have submitted the report below to the CBAT.
>> --
>>   Itagaki-san reported his detection of an apparent new stellar object
>> (unfiltered mag 13.0) on Jan. 9.430 UT.  He reported the position as
>> R.A. = 22h57m49s.57, Decl. = -08d22´27".9.  It should be an outburst
>> of a star SDSS J225749.54-082228.7, which is tabled in some catalogs
>> (USNO A2.0, USNO B1.0, GSC 2.3 and so on) as a star with mag about 20.
>> Like as KT Eri, the amplitude of seven magnitudes is rather large for
>> a dwarf nova, but somewhat small for a rapid classical nova.
>> Cheers,
>> Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan
>> yamaoka@phys.kyushu-u.ac.jp <- changed!
----- End forwarded message -----


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