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Dátum: 2009-11-27 16:07:51
Feladó: FIDRICH Robert
Tárgy: Re: Nova Eri 2009
Nanu mindenkinek!

A CBET 2055. szamaban azt irjak, hogy a szinkepek alapjan az ujonnan
felfedezett csillag nova.

Itt van egy jopofa animacio a kitoresrol:

A "Pi of the Sky" csapat kepei alapjan ugy nez ki, nov. 15-en 5,60R
koruli csucsfenyesseget ert el.


     R. J. Rudy, T. R. Prater, and R. W. Russell, The Aerospace Corporation;
R. C. Puetter, University of California at San Diego; and R. B. Perry, NASA,
report on 0.9- to 2.5-micron spectroscopy obtained on Nov. 26.4 UT (using the
Aerospace Near-Infrared Imaging Spectrograph on the 3-m Shane reflector of
Lick Observatory) of the possible nova reported on CBETs 2050 and 2053.  Very
strong, broad emission lines confirm this object as a nova.  The width of the
lines (FWHM = 4000 km/s) and the very rapid spectral development (the He I
1.083-micron line is already the strongest in the spectrum), suggest that this
object may be a nova of the helium/nitrogen type.  In addition to strong helium
and nitrogen, the object also has a very bright O I line at 1.1287 microns.
The He I 1.083-micron line shows a P-Cyg absorption extending to 3600 km/s.
     H. Maehara, Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University, reports that A. Arai
and M. Isogai (Kyoto Sangyo University) observed the nova with a 28-cm
reflector and a low-resolution spectrograph on Nov. 26.5 UT.  The nova shows
a broad H_alpha emission line with a FWHM around 3200 km/s and a notable blue
continuum.  H_alpha and H_beta emission lines clearly show asymmetric profiles.
N III (464.0 nm), N II (567.9 nm), and He I (587.6 nm) emission lines were
strong.  A blended line of N II (500.1 nm) and He I (501.6 nm) was also seen.
These spectral features indicates that the object is a He/N nova.
     Maehara adds that Kazuyoshi Imamura (Okayama University of Science)
obtained a low-resolution optical spectrum of the nova on Nov. 26.639 with a
28-cm telescope.  The FHMW of H_alpha emission line is 3400 km/s.  The
spectrum can be seen at the following website URL:
     Maehara also forwards the following CCD magnitudes from S. Kiyota (Ibaraki,
Japan), who used a 25-cm telescope of the Global-Rent-A-Scope site near
Mayhill, NM, USA:  Nov. 26.195 UT, V = 8.26; 26.198, B = 8.19; 26.208, R_c =
7.63; 26.208, I_c = 7.62.
     Visual magnitude estimates:  Nov. 26.656, 8.7 (Y. Maeda, Nagasaki, Japan;
forwarded by Maehara); 26.721, 8.5 (Maehara, Kyoto, Japan); 26.849, 8.4 (M.
Reszelski, Szamotuly-Galowo, Poland); 26.913, 8.3 (K. Hornoch, Ondrejov,
Czech Republic); 26.930, 8.0 (P. Schmeer, Bischmisheim, Germany); 26.957, 8.1
(W. Vollmann, Vienna, Austria).

* * *

Az AAVSO Sequence Team tagjai nekialltak OH-kat csinalni az uj novahoz.
Azt hiszem, hamarosan lesz hasznalhato AAVSO terkep. Az uj vendegcsillag
AAVSO azonositoja: 000-BJR-847

Talan igy a legegyszerubb terkepet rajzolni rola, de most meg nincsenek
OH-k. Lehet, hogy csinalok majd egy ideiglenes terkepet a meglevo
OH-adatokkal. Fujjatok el a felhoket!

Fidusz (FIDRICH Robert)
#jabber/gtalk: fidusz@jabber.hu
#skype: fidusz


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