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Dátum: 2009-11-09 17:27:48
Feladó: Krisztian Sarneczky
Tárgy: Re: Nova Sct 2009

Hohoho! Most nézzük Kárpáti Ádámmal a Polarisból a nóvát. Könnyedén
látszik, nagyon könnyû helyen van! Ezer éve nem láttam nóvát.


On Mon, 9 Nov 2009, FIDRICH Robert wrote:

> Nanu mindenkinek!
> A CBET 2008. szama szerint S. Nakano talált egy nóvát Scutumban. A
> csillag eleg könny? helyen van, nem messze az SS Sct-tol. A
> felfedezeskor 8 magni korulinem talaltak, es egy ma ejszakai felvetelen
> is 8-9 magni kozotti volt.
> A pozicioja:
> R.A. = 18h43m45s.57, Decl. = -7d36´42".0 (equinox 2000.0)
> Fujjatok el a felhoket!
> udv:
> Fidusz
> * * *
>     S. Nakano, Sumoto, Japan, reports the discovery of Hideo Nishimura
> (Miyawaki, Kakegawa, Japan) of a possible nova (mag 8) on two 10-s CCD frames
> (limiting magnitude 11.5) taken on Nov. 8.3699 and 8.3700 UT using a Canon
> EOS 5D camera (+ Minolta 120-mm f/3.5 lens), the new object being measured
> by Nishimura to be located at R.A. = 18h43m44s, Decl. = -7d37´01" (equinox
> 2000.0).  Nishimura adds that nothing is visible at this position on two
> frames taken on Nov. 7.377 using same instrumentation (limiting magnitude
> 11.5), and there is no star on his survey frames taken in 2008; he notes
> that nearby Cepheid variable SS Sct (position end figures 43s.50, 43´52".0)
> is also visible on his frames.  Nakano has measured mag 8.8 and position
> end figures 45s.65, 36´41".5 (uncertainty 2".0) for the new variable from
> Nishimura´s JPEG image (limiting mag 12.0).
>     Following posting on the Central Bureau´s unconfirmed-objects webpage,
> E. Guido and G. Sostero report that they obtained unfiltered CCD images
> remotely through a 0.25-m f/3.4 reflector from the GRAS Observatory near
> Mayhill, NM, U.S.A. on Nov. 9.08, finding the presumed nova to be at mag
> about 8.5 at R.A. = 18h43m45s.57, Decl. = -7d36´42".0 (equinox 2000.0;
> UCAC-2 catalogue reference stars).  Following additional query by the
> Central Bureau, Guido adds that the extreme stellar crowding due to nearby
> field stars makes this measurement rather difficult, but comparison with a
> Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) plate (limiting red magnitude about 20),
> obtained on 1996 Aug. 13, fails to show a clear unambiguous pre-outburst
> precursor; an animation showing their image and the DSS image is posted at
> website URL http://bit.ly/UdKzF.
>                         (C) Copyright 2009 CBAT
> 2009 November 9                  (CBET 2008)              Daniel W. E. Green
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