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Dátum: 2002-01-30 00:59:22
Feladó: Zalezsák Tamás
Tárgy: Egy mesterseges hullocsillag
Az Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) muhold holnapi nap folyaman becspodik
a Foldbe. Szerencsere nem megy eszakabra 28.5 foknal igy Magyarorszag
kimarad a tuzijatekbol, en viszont nem. Az e-mail egyebkent meg is emliti
Brisbane-t, ahol lakom. Ugyhogy ha nem irok ez elkovetkezo napokban, akkor a
muhol benezett az ablakunkon :-)
Valaki tud valahol valami web oldalat ahol rajta van vagy varhatoan rajta
lesz a becsapodas helye.

Elkuldtem az eredeti anyagot is, akit erdekel de itt a level rovid kivonata.
A mintegy 3000 kg sulyu EUVE muhold magyar ido szerint Januar 30 este 6 ora
es masnap hajnali 1 kozott fog becsapodni. Jelenleg 200 km magassagban van
de naponta 25 km-t veszit a magassagabol. A tormelekek 800 - 1000 km-es
korzetben szorodik szet. Igen kicsi a valoszinusege, hogy lakott teruletre
esnek a tormelekek (legalabbis ezt mondjak ok). Sajnos a muholdnak nincsenek
raketai, igy nem kontrollalhato a becsopdas helye. Az EUVE nagy resze eleg a
legkorben, de az acel es titanium reszek Foldet ernek.
Varhatoan 80 km magassagban esik reszeire es ezt kovetoen 4-5 keringes utan
csapodik be. A becsapodas helyet csak 12 oraval elotte tudjak csak
megmondami. EUVE inklinacioja 28.5 fok igy eszakon Orlando, Florida es delen
Brisbane, Ausztalia (itt lakom) kozott csapodik be.
A tobbi csak a muhold funkciojarol szol.


-----Original Message-----
From: NASANews@hq.nasa.gov [mailto:NASANews@hq.nasa.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, 30 January 2002 4:20
To: undisclosed-recipients

Dolores Beasley
Headquarters, Washington                    Jan. 29, 2002
(Phone: 202/358-1753)

Nancy Neal
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
(Phone: 301/286-0039)

RELEASE: 02-16


     Engineers at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in
Greenbelt, Md., predict a 7,000-pound spacecraft could re-
enter the Earth´s atmosphere as early as 10 p.m. EST on Jan.
30 or as late as 7 a.m. EST on Jan. 31.

NASA´s Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) is currently 200
kilometers (124 miles) above the Earth with a descent rate of
25 kilometers (15.5 miles) a day. The estimated debris field
is expected to be 800 to 1,000 kilometers (500-625 miles).

"The probability of the few EUVE surviving pieces falling
into a populated area and hurting someone is very small. It
is more likely that the small pieces will fall into the ocean
or fall harmlessly to the ground," said Ronald E. Mahmot,
Project Manager for Space Science Mission Operations at

Unlike the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, which was safely
de-orbited June 4, 2000, EUVE does not have an on-board
propulsion system to allow engineers to control its re-entry.
Much of EUVE will burn up in the atmosphere before ever
reaching the ground. However, estimates show that up to nine
objects ranging from approximately four to 100 pounds may
survive re-entry. Much of this debris is made of titanium and
stainless steel.

EUVE will start to break up when it falls to within 80
kilometers (50 miles) of the Earth. At this point, EUVE will
have only four or five 90-minute orbits left before re-
entering the Earth´s atmosphere. Engineers will not know the
re-entry point until approximately 12 hours prior to impact.

EUVE is in a 28.5-degree orbit and could re-enter in any
location within this orbit range. This ranges includes areas
as far north as Orlando, Fla., and as far south as Brisbane,

EUVE was launched on June 7, 1992. Science operations ended
for the spacecraft in December 2001. During its early years,
EUVE was operated from Goddard. In 1997, control of EUVE was
transitioned from Goddard to the University of California,
Berkeley and remained there until the program´s termination
in 2001. Slated for only three years, EUVE was operational
for eight. NASA twice extended its scientific mission.

During its eight years in orbit, EUVE successfully opened a
new window on the cosmos and helped to bridge the gap in our
understanding of the extreme ultraviolet spectrum. Rather
than seeing about 24 nearby objects as many predicted, EUVE
observed more than 1,000 nearby sources, including more than
three dozen objects outside our galaxy.

Additional background information about EUVE is available on
the Internet at:



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