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Dátum: 2013-11-19 15:58:33
Feladó: Baranyi Zoltán
Tárgy: Re: Fw: [comets-ml] TRAPPIST ISON update : new outburst !
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-----Original Message-----
From: leonidak-bounces@mcse.hu [mailto:leonidak-bounces@mcse.hu] On Behalf Of "Sárneczky, Krisztián"
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 4:06 PM
To: leonidak@mcse.hu
Subject: [Leonidak] Fw: [comets-ml] TRAPPIST ISON update : new outburst !

Hömm, hömm. Kéne derült...


------------------------------ Eredeti üzenet -------------------------------
tárgy:   [comets-ml] TRAPPIST ISON update : new outburst ! [Caution: Message
contains Suspicious URL content]
feladó:  "ejehin"
dátum:   2013.november 19.(K) 2:40 pm
címzett: comets-ml@yahoogroups.com

Dear  all,

Since our last report and major outburst on Nov. 14, the ISON production rates were dropping. We lost about a factor 2 in all measured quantities in 4 days.
No sign of breakup in the images.The dust features in our pictures seem to be linked to the active regions identified earlier in C2 and CN.

But this morning 19.37 Nov UT,  we found ISON very active again !
All the production rates have been x ~6 since last night, while the AfRho, maesuring the quantity of dust, was only x ~2.
This looks to us to be the start of a new outburst linked to the active regions, as the jets are today strong again.

Our campain is unfortunately nearly over with TRAPPIST, but we will try to point it again the next couple of nights and confirm this new rise.

Is there new visual estimates ?

ESO picture of the week :


Emmanuel Jehin

Institut d'Astrophysique de l'Université de Liège Allée du 6 Août 17, B-4000 Liège, Belgium E-Mail : ejehin@ulg.ac.be Phone : +32 (0)4 3669726 - FAX : +32 (0)4 3669737 ULG : http://www.astro.ulg.ac.be/ GAS : http://www.groupeastronomiespa.be/


A csatolmányként küldött képeket kérjük, méretezd át úgy, hogy a
hosszabbik oldaluk legfeljebb 800 pixeles legyen! Köszönjük!

Általános információk és tanácsok a képbeküldéssel kapcsolatban:


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