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Dátum: 2013-11-14 14:42:27
Feladó: Gábor Sánta
Tárgy: Fwd: [comets-ml] TRAPPIST update : major outburst ongoing ! [Caution: Message contains Suspicious URL content]
Emmanuel Jehin e-mailje csatolva. Ők vették észre tegnap a kitörést.

Röviden: hajnalban folyamatosan észlelték az üstököst, a porkibocsátás
nagyon erős, az anyagáram a nyolcszorosára nőtt, a por a nucleus
közelében van. A nucleus erős, semmi jele a szétoszlásnak! A következő
napokban több magnitúdót (!) fényesedhet!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ejehin
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 13:24:40 -0000
Subject: [comets-ml] TRAPPIST update : major outburst ongoing !
[Caution: Message contains Suspicious URL content]
To: comets-ml@yahoogroups.com

Dear all,

We had a hard time this morning to observe ISON, which is lower and
closer to the Sun,  but it was so bright we are saturating the broad
band filters in 10s and plenty of flux in 20s with the narrow band
To our suprise the change has been huge in the last 24 hours ! We are
reaching 1E29 mol/s in OH, an increase close a factor 8 of the amount
of gas released in space, since 24 hours !
The AfRho has also increased by the same factor (it is now 2400cm), so
dust is finally released too, even if the level stays quite low
compare to other comets.
Two jets are now also visible in OH band (coming from water
dissociation) and also faint ones in the dust continuum at the same
position as the CN and C2 jets previously reported.
There is no indication yet of disruption, the inner coma is very sharp
(4 arcsec) and round in the dust continuum windows and there is no
other special features in the coma.
This is the early phase of the outburst as the dust is still close to
the nucleus and we should still expect a large increase of the
magnitude and the coma diameter if more dust is released in the coming
The comet will become rapidly visible naked eye if the outburst last a
few more days !

Best regards,

A csatolmányként küldött képeket kérjük, méretezd át úgy, hogy a
hosszabbik oldaluk legfeljebb 800 pixeles legyen! Köszönjük!

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