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 LEONIDAK archívum 
Dátum: 2013-06-10 15:36:23
Feladó: Sándor Keszthelyi
Tárgy: Re: Ma esti GDE kitörés
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Az AMS honlapj=E1n 20h 48 m +17 a radi=E1ns:

Peter Jenniskens, in his study of outbursts from long-period comets, has
proposed that the 1930 event was real and may be repeated on Tuesday
morning June 11, 2013. The expected time of maximum activity would be near
0828 Universal Time. This time corresponds to 4:28am EDT, 3:28am CDT,
2:28am MDT, and 1:28am PDT. This timing is favorable for all the Americas,
extending west to the Hawaiian Islands. The radiant was reported to lie
near the notable double star gamma Delphini, which lies near celestial
coordinates 312 (20:48) +17.
=C9s ott j=FAnius 11 kedd 08:28 UT a maximum, azaz 10:28 NYISZ.

Keszthelyi S=E1ndor (K=F6sz=F6)

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Az AMS honlapj=E1n 20h 48 m +17 a radi=E1ns:


-SIZE:11pt">Peter Jenniskens, in his study of outbursts from long-period co=
mets, has proposed that the 1930 event was real and may be repeated on Tues=
day morning June 11, 2013. The expected time of maximum activity would be n=
ear 0828 Universal Time. This time corresponds to 4:28am EDT, 3:28am CDT, 2=
:28am MDT, and 1:28am PDT. This timing is favorable for all the Americas, e=
xtending west to the Hawaiian Islands. The radiant was reported to lie near=
the notable double star gamma Delphini, which lies near celestial coordina=
;;FONT-SIZE:11pt">312 (20:48) +17.

=C9s ott j=FAnius 11 kedd 08:28 UT a maximum, azaz 10:28 NYISZ.


Keszthelyi S=E1ndor (K=F6sz=F6)



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