Ref: LSUK/2031/8161/04
Batch: R3/A312-59
This letter is to inform you that your e-mail address has
won you the sum 0f 700,000 GBP (Seven hundred thousand
pounds) From the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY 2010.
56475600545 188 with Serial number 5368/02 drew the lucky numbers: Bonus [30] KTU /9023118308/03.
You are required to contact the below agent for the claiming of your
winning prize money.
You are also required to contact him with the below information.
(a) Your full Name:
(b) Contact address:
(c) Your Telephone and fax numbers:
(d) Your Age:
(e) Your occupation:
(f) Your country of origin:
(g) Method of payment:
Mrs.Rita Mark.
On-line coordinator. |