Valamikor regebben erdeklodtem az M45 koruli kodosseg lathatosagarol,
illetve a kod miben letereol (a halmazhoz tartozik-e fizikailag). Most talan
megtalaltam a sajat kerdesemre a valaszt Phil Harrington (amerikai amator)
weblapjan, teljesen veletlenul.
"Under the discussion of the Pleiades (M45), the book notes that the
surrounding reflection nebulosity is the leftover remains of the cloud that
begat the stars themselves. Subsequent studies, however, have concluded
that these clouds are an independent phenomenon that just happens to be
passing through the same area of space at this time."
A forras:
Szoval ugy tunik, hogy jol emlekeztem. A halmaz fuggetlen a kodtol, nem
abbol alakult ki.
Minden jot!